Yeh, basically, not using the ts, but using an sd-1 after the guitar, before my comp, more gain = more noise and noisegate is set pretty high as it is.
Yeah, i've noticed that GS sounds shit when panned hard to one side, it's almost like the high end is on the left channel and the low end on the right lol.
A touch of the BBE Plug-In. I never set the lo contour and process above 3. Set the output level as high as you can without peaking.
Then I ran it through izotope Ozone 3.0. Used the CD Master pre-set. Adjusted the maximizer to lowest threshold I could get away with. Added a bit of mastering reverb. And I mean just a bit.
That's it. If I had more time I might add some exciter and multiband imaging but very little.
nice one, maybe i should ditch the first riff where there is one guitar alone, and with the mastering settings you gave me, it could sound quite brutal