Song in progress Simul Analog JCM900 Full Tube Soft Amp


Dec 9, 2005
Used Simul Analog JCM900 L channel and Jucy77 on R channel
The Solo Jucy77 with IR. Drums EZ Drummer with Slate Kick and Snare.
Bass trough Tone Port.
The intro guitars even aren't double tracked, just two tracks with different settings.
The toms are the standard EZD one

It is just a quick mix made on headphones.

Hope you will like it. Any advices are welcome! :rock:

Hey Dimi! Just saw that you posted this here.

The intro guitars even aren't double tracked, just two tracks with different settings.

I was wondering why the strange stereo imaging on those guitar parts. That answers that. That bugs me a little bit, as I've had to deal with something similiar lately on a mastering project for a friend. Other than that, I really like everything else. The song writing and playing is fantastic, as I've come to expect from you. :) You've got some new guitar sounds going now. I always liked your Revalver stuff before, but I really like these tones as well.

Great job Dimi! :notworthy When do we get to hear the full song? :lol:

The strange stereo imaging on those guitar it too bad?:ill:
I will lay down additional guitars for sure...but I liked the st image somehow :lol:
I think these sounds satisfied me better than RVMKII.

I will post the song soon ...just need to invent the rest :p

No, it's not bad. Just a matter of personal taste. You did it on purpose and got the sound you wanted. I've been fighting with something that was out of my control, and was very frustrating. So that's just a little bit of a sore issue with me at the moment. :)

I really like these guitar sounds too. I know you've been playing with WagnerSharp also. I'm curious to hear you use that in something as well. :) Check your email when you get a chance, I had one or two questions.
Dimi, I forgot to ask, what synth(s) are you using on the intro part? You've got me inspired to get back to work on my own stuff again. :)
Holy god dude, awesome! I love the Dream Theater-to-Mattias Eklundh shift in styles, and your playing and taste is impeccable (I especially love those whammy flutters; unlike many of the die-hard rhythm players here, I'm big into lead playing myself, though definitely can't match your chops! :notworthy) I can't wait to hear the rest of it, and do you think you could repost that one you did a little while ago with the didjeridoo? I lost it when my HD got corrupted by a stupid mac :waah: (and yes, I'll beat Brett to the punch, cuz it was USER ERROR - a dude tripped over the power cable in the studio, yanking it out, which pissed off the FAT mightily cuz I didn't do that stupid "drag the thing to the trash" procedure - but it still wouldn't have done that much damage on a PC!)
Holy god dude, awesome! I love the Dream Theater-to-Mattias Eklundh shift in styles, and your playing and taste is impeccable (I especially love those whammy flutters; unlike many of the die-hard rhythm players here, I'm big into lead playing myself, though definitely can't match your chops! :notworthy) I can't wait to hear the rest of it, and do you think you could repost that one you did a little while ago with the didjeridoo? I lost it when my HD got corrupted by a stupid mac :waah: (and yes, I'll beat Brett to the punch, cuz it was USER ERROR - a dude tripped over the power cable in the studio, yanking it out, which pissed off the FAT mightily cuz I didn't do that stupid "drag the thing to the trash" procedure - but it still wouldn't have done that much damage on a PC!)
:)Hey,thanks for stopping by!!! I definitely will post the whole song .
didjeridoo? I can't remember?? You meant grywolf627?
I'm pretty certain it was you; the avatar (which I see you've since changed :)) of the little gandalf-like dude definitely was the same, and I remember you saying you tracked it using an Yngwie OD pedal. The song started out with a didjeridoo, I'm pretty sure, and then you came in, and there was a section with a harmonizer that was super "Steve Vai" - or maybe I'm going crazy! Anyway, I really want it again!

Oh, and this was maybe 2 months ago that you posted it...
I love this song! It does sound kind of heavy on the right side though. Maybe you duplicate both guitar tones and pan them both left/right to get some more balance there. Awesome job :rock: