Song to mix


Aug 2, 2007
Hi all,
I read this forum a lot, but this is my first post. I run a studio in Dublin, Ireland and record a lot of metal. I see a few posts here where you can download raw multitracks to mix.
I can upload a track I recorded last week if there is interest in it.
It's a cover of People Of The Lie by Kreator. It can be heard on It was recorded for a compilation album of Irish bands doing thrash covers.
There are a lot of tracks on this, including drum room mics, and 3 mics on each guitar take. I cannot connect to the forum's ftp. I am getting authentication failures, but I can upload to rapidshare no problem. The file will be nearly a gig I would think (24bit/44.1).
I would be very interested in hearing some alternative mixes if anyone's up for it.
Hey dude fellow dub here well originaly from kilkenny wat studio do you run ?? sorry just saw it in your post nice looking studio
uploading to megaupload now. Should be about an hour and a half.
A few notes on the tracks. 24 bit 44.1k.
The 2 rythm guitars and the lead guitar have 3 tracks each. 57 close, Small Diaphram Condenser close, And RooM.
Kik os is a neumann 1 foot in front of kick drum.
snt & snb are snare top and bottom.
Vox 1 & 2 are double tracked verse. chrs 1 & 2 are double tracked chorus.
The drums are all mics with no triggers
Will post back when the upload is finished.
If you check myspace to hear the mix please add me while you are there ;-)
Really like what I'm hearing so far. Will wait for a few more before commenting. How have you guys used the three mics on guitars?. Did you find any benefit in having the SDC and room mics?.
John Bonham is turning in his grave!
A good stereo representation of the kit in the overheads is something I very much like. Much more so than cymbal spot mics, so "problem" is an opinion I would disagree with. Not saying you are wrong, or that I am right. It's just preference.