Songs we DEMAND at PP! Bands, read this before you make your set lists :-)


Pixel coordinator
Jan 9, 2002
Alingsås, Sweden
Myrath - No turning back
Love de Vice - Sleepless Nights
Haken - Celestial elixir
Jon Oliva's Pain - Festiväääääääääääääl!!!!!.... and Winter Haven
Leprous - Tall Poppy Syndrome
Darkwater - Tallest tree
Sacrum - Eternity
Shadow Gallery - The first album from start to finish!!!
The Dust Connection - Ooops I did it again
Over at the Shadow Gallery forum there's a thread called "Your "dream" setlist for a SG show". Based on 2 hours of playing time (Yeah, I know they will get just a 90 min. slot) I came up with these:

Stiletto In The Sand [2 mins]
I Believe [8 mins]
Ghost Of A Chance [5 mins]
Colors [7 mins]
Destination Unknown [7 mins]
Out Of Nowhere [4 mins]
Haunted [9 mins]
Digital Ghost [9 mins]
Hope For Us [6 mins]
Victims [5 mins]
Don't Ever Cry Just Remember [6 mins]
Roads Of Thunder [6 mins]
New World Order [8 mins]
Room V [7 mins]
Encrypted [8 mins]
Torn [8 mins]
Broken [2 mins]


Rain [9 mins]
Crystalline Dream [5 mins]
Looks like Leprous are gonna play their entire cd, but if not:
DARE YOU not miss that tune! :flame: