Sonic Syndicate snare sound....- DAMN!

I dislike the band but recently saw one of their videos on TV and I had to check it out just for the snare sound.

Listen to the second video from the top (Enclave, starting with some clean guitars...) and listen to that ultrabig snare.

Any idea on how to achieve this? Or am I just paranoid and it's nothing special at all?

My .02$: Sounds like a wooden snare as it doesn't have that metallic klang, otherwise nothing special, use the normal tricks.

I know that Bullen somtimes have used triggered "klick" sounds along with the natural snare to get more punch, dont know if he's used it on this album though (actually it was ten years ago he did it with us)
Hi there! I recorded and mixed that album, it's a woodsnare doubled(or what you call it) with my ultra deep/fat coppersnare(don't know the brand or anything)
Kind regards/Jonas
Hi there! I recorded and mixed that album, it's a woodsnare doubled(or what you call it) with my ultra deep/fat coppersnare(don't know the brand or anything)
Kind regards/Jonas

Jonas welcome to the forum!!!! big fan of you!


any tip for gtrs? i believe roger use his messa boogie right??
you just need to hit some really dry wood with an woodchopper axe,
make a sample and mix it to your actual snare recording!
here's what I've found on Sonic Syndicate's website about guitars...
to me guitars sounds quad-tracked..

Any hints from Jonas is really, really, really, appreciated! :lol:

On Only Inhuman it's 2guitars thru MesaBoogie Triple rectifier, and 2 Engl Fireball. On The new album gtr1 and 2 are Diezel VH4 (or what the hell its called) and guitar 3 and 4 are Randall rm100(ultra XL module). Ööhh that's it!
All guitars thru Mesa-Cab miked with 1sm57 probably pointed at the wrong angle hehe...;)

Jonas, nice to see you around here :)
Thanks for the snare details, what do you normally do compression and EQ wise so that it has that big snap going?
And btw, how's Scar Symmetry going? Love the new album, hope you get on tour across Germany some time soon!
On Only Inhuman it's 2guitars thru MesaBoogie Triple rectifier, and 2 Engl Fireball. On The new album gtr1 and 2 are Diezel VH4 (or what the hell its called) and guitar 3 and 4 are Randall rm100(ultra XL module). Ööhh that's it!
All guitars thru Mesa-Cab miked with 1sm57 probably pointed at the wrong angle hehe...;)


Thanks a lot Jonas!
I wish I could find that "wrong angle" too someday! :lol:

WTF? check out the treb and pres on the fireball. I just can`t believe that! I already have problems with hiss if I leave everything at 12°Clock. but nice gain setting :-)

To me it looks like the presence is at 9 o'clock. Which is pretty much where I also put it when I use the Fireball. But if it's actually at 3 o'clock then...damn, that much be harsh, hehe
Didn't use the Fireball, maybe we used it for some clean-sounds otherwise I guess the presence usually is at 9o clock or something?!
It's a nice forum you got here:) So everyone here is just recording fat-guitars all the time hehe...Don't forget to drink beeeeer(and otherstuff to...)
Ultra harsh/thin-guitars rule btw;)
