
All Life Ends
Jul 1, 2001
Hiya, SonicDeath is currently seeking two or three more reviewers to join it's team. First of all, if you are interested, the basics:

- You must be able to do 8-10 reviews a month.
- You must know what you are talking about - we like our reviewers to be knowledgable about not only the music, but the scene, metal's history, and to have a broad knowledge of most of metal and rocks sub-genres, even if you have a few specialty genres. At the same time, pretentiousness is something we try to avoid - we are NOT
- You must have good spelling and grammar, obviously. Reviews are always checked and typos are not a problem, but if your reviews do not read well, or are not very interesting to read as a casual reader, they will not be accepted.

Basically, as well as our reviews being informative, at SonicDeath we like out reviews to be an entertaining/interesting read, in that you could just come to the site, and start reading any of the reviews whether you know the band or the album or not...I've got into many new bands this way myself!

If you are interested and can keep to the 8-10 reviews a month (its not totally strict...if you can't make that many for whatever reason, you just have to let me know), then send a sample review of whatever you like to - ideally something that hasn't been reviewed on the site already, as if you are taken on, we will want to use the review.

If I like your sample review, I might ask for one more to check consistency.

We have a good community on the site and it's growing. The number of reviews and visitors is also on the increase...we are due to hit 500 reviews shortly, and are getting between 200-300 hits a day...thats over 1000 a week.