Sonixforce first 4 E.P.s and album planned

Jack Sand

Mar 17, 2023
Packin' an Airstrike

1. Packin' an Airstrike
2. Serpentine Strike
3. State of the Art
4. Shoot Shoot

Goin' Nuclear

1. Goin' Nuclear
2. Xplosive
3. September Primed
4. Set to Ignite

No Life till Nitro

1. No Life till Nitro
2. On Wheels of Glory we Ride
3. Hit the Turbo Go
4. Sonic Boom

Blitzin' the Airwaves

1. Blitzin' the Airwaves
2. Music as a Weapon
3. I Forget (Paperwork is at home)
4. I forget

Then it's a song called On the Offensive with Bow Down to these Nuts album announcement

Followed by Missile to the Top and Blast Off (To the Skies we go)

Bow Down to these Nuts (2025 tentative release)

1. In the Palace of the Emperor (Tis Raiden lives forever)
2. Blast Off (To the Skies we go)
3. Bow Down to these Nuts
4. We came to conquer

*My list of tracks is at home, will post full tracklist later, there is 27 tracks in this New Testament of Heavy Metal and Rock n Roll here are some more singles

All Elite (We're top Guns)
Locked and Loaded
Fun Noise Dream Supreme
I am the Devil (A Letter to Chenxue)
Airstrike from Hell
Our 747 Jet is Set (Heavy Metal Lift Off)

Announcing our 2nd album The Heavy Metal Empire is Near alongside the music video for Our 747 Jet is Set (Heavy Metal Lift Off)
This is a fuckin Thrash burner!

Packin' an Airstrike

We are rocket science
Here to give you tickets for your compliance
Our records come buy em
Explosives we supply em
You can pack your bags
When your listening to this swag
Let us buckle that seatbelt
Your ass is gonna melt
To our songs so heartfelt
The blast is gonna have it beating fast
Send you straight to the moon and back
Just listen to this track

Hit yah
Hit yah
Hit yah
With the
Ha ha
Ha ha
Ha ha
At your
Need to be
Blah blah
Blah blah
Blah blah
At your
Final Destiny

This is not hell, it's fire
Noise Pollution isn't our desire

We be Packin' an Airstrike, Packin' an Airstrike
On your audio piss
We be Packin' an Airstrike, Packin' an Airstrike
On your heavenly bliss
We be Packin' an Airstrike, Packin' an Airstrike
Do you smell that smell
We be Packin' an Airstrike, Packin' an Airstrike
It's the Sulphur from your Hell

Sonixforce came to beat em' with hits that stick
We be writin' tactical strikes so quick
They blow your socks off and your girls top off
Tick tock the time is runnin' off your clock

3, 2, 1
Press that red button you nun
3, 2, 1
Pyrotechnics are fun
3, 2, 1
Sound off the big gun

Hit yah
Hit yah
Hit yah
With the
Ha ha
Ha ha
Ha ha
At your
Need to be
Blah blah
Blah blah
Blah blah
At your
Final Destiny

This is not Hell, it's Fire
Noise Pollution, Isn't our Desire

We be Packin' an Airstrike, Packin' an Airstrike
On your audio piss
We be Packin' an Airstrike, Packin' an Airstrike
On your heavenly bliss
We be Packin' an Airstrike, Packin' an Airstrike
Do you smell that smell
We be Packin' an Airstrike, Packin' an Airstrike
It's the Sulphur from your Hell

Rest in Piss
Meet your tomb of Bliss
Rest in Piss
With this Killswitch

Hit yah
Hit yah
Hit yah
With the
Ha ha
Ha ha
Ha ha
At your
Need to be
Blah blah
Blah blah
Blah blah
At your
Final Destiny

This is not Hell, It's Fire
Noise Pollution isn't our Desire

We be Packin' an Airstrike, Packin' an Airstrike
On your audio piss
We be Packin' an Airstrike, Packin' an Airstrike
On your heavenly bliss
We be Packin' an Airstrike, Packin' an Airstrike
Do you smell that smell
We be Packin' an Airstrike, Packin' an Airstrike
It's the Sulphur from your Hell

Sonixforce came to beat em' with hits that stick
We be writin' tactical strikes so quick
They blow your socks off and your girls top off
Tick tock the time is runnin' off your clock

3, 2, 1
Press that red button you nun
3, 2, 1
Pyrotechnics are fun
3, 2, 1
Sound off the big gun

Hit yah
Hit yah
Hit yah
With the
Ha ha
Ha ha
Ha ha
At your
Need to be
Blah blah
Blah blah
Blah blah
At your
Final Destiny

This is not Hell, it's fire
Noise Pollution isn't our Desire

We be Packin' an Airstrike, Packin' an Airstrike
On your audio piss
We be Packin' an Airstrike
On your heavenly bliss
We be Packin' an Airstrike, Packin' an Airstrike
Do you smell that smell
We be Packin' an Airstrike, Packin' an Airstrike
It's the Sulphur from your Hell
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I'm startin Audiomight Records and I have a label mate. Everybody be prepared for Sonixforce and Power Volt. Power Volt is 80's Thrash with Strong Radio Rock songs and a killer metal Anthem called Energy. 10 songs are written and the first album is titled Energy. Sucks that we won't be releasing any material for a couple years, the front man for Power Volt is serving a 1 year Prison Sentence and I'm busy learning guitar for Sonixforce, there is potential that I decide that I'm not cut out for Guitars and then in that case we might get the Guitars sooner, I really want to get decent enough so I can at least Write the fuckin riffs, because I can probably write the riffs better than anyone else for Sonixforce, because I'm a genius and perfectionist and know what the people are gonna love at the same time I know what I love so I'll get it just how I want it.
Power Volt has some classic 80's Thrash Moments, I'm not gonna say Metallica carbon copy but it's def ranks up there with all the other Thrash bands
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I might be the Vocalist for Power Volt, but I really want that to me my buddies full time Project cuz I want to focus on Sonixforce maybe I'll do the studio vocals for Power Volt
Missile to the Top is def the new generations Ace of Spades and that's not even the biggest hit, it's just the one that's gonna be the most Cult song
Here is a taste, this the Breakdown to this Speed Metal Masterpiece

Rock Radio listen to this Heavy Ass God Send
Shooting Rockets off that give new life and make friends
Reaping Jesus Christ like dividends
We're here to bring everybody our new religion
Come be baptized in this Music the Devil devised
Rock n Roll so heavy only the devil could authorize our fuckin rise

Watch us Rise
Watch us Rise
Watch us Rise with this Heavy Ass missile surprise!

Missile to the Top!
Missile to the Top!
Missile to the Top!
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And I promise that the 2nd Record gets even heavier it's called the Heavy Metal Empire is Near. I mean it's got less speed and Thrash metal songs but it's Groove Metal with heavy ass Pantera Riffs
This is a heavy ass Thrash metal song with a chorus to make everybody rock hard ride free.

Bow Down to these Nuts

Sonixforce comes to wage a war
Sonixforce comes to set the standards
Sonixforce comes to make necks sore
Sonixforce comes with wit and candor

Sonixforce comes to fuck you up
We're here to conquer you Pop nuns

Sonixforce comes to fuck you up
We're here to conquer you Pop nuns

Sonixforce comes to fuck you up
We're here to conquer you Pop nuns

Bow Down to these Nuts
Bow Down to these Nuts
Bow Down to these Nuts
Bow Down to these Nuts
Bow Down to these Nuts
Bow Down to these Nuts
We come to fuck shit up
Bow Down
Bow Down
Bow Down

*I forget the next verses, their on my computer but here is the Breakdown

We came to conquer
We came to main and kill
All our competition will fall
We won't stop till we have it all
Bow Down
Bow Down
Bow Down
Bow Down

Bow Down
Bow Down
Bow Down
Bow Down to these Nuts!
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Disease by my buddies band Power Volt has a cool Metallica esque moment that is close to being on Par with Creeping Death
The Sonixforce Brand is def gonna Pwn the Music Industry, we're a 5 Man Heavy Metal Army and the first live set has all Modern Equipment and we're gonna have a bonafide look and really Hammer home our image. Just wait till you see our live set.
I'm Goin with a Sonixforce Hoodie, Dog Tags, Woodland Green Camo Pants, Slayer/Municipal Waste style flat brim with the Sonixforce logo on it and Adidas NMD Primeknits in all black. The other 4 will have Sonixforce Tshirts and Dog Tags with the camo pants and the Drummer will have a Sonixforce Bandana and the Lead Guitarist and Bassist will have Long Hair for windmills and headbanging. It's gonna be professional as fuck.
And all Modern Metal Equipment, Solar Guitars and Bass, the Chug and Nano Attack Guitar Pedals and Synergy Amps for the State of the Art image.
And the great news is, My Drummer already has the Roland TD-50K2 Electronic Double Bass Kit so I don't have to buy it and have enough savings for all the rest of the gear. I'm getting the Golden Grail of Modern Recording Microphones the Lewitt LCT 1040 which comes in a briefcase and I can't wait to fool around with the settings and dial in a crisp and distinct vocal sound.
Me and my buddy discussed our images and brainstormed our Brands he is going with a more traditional sound and look and Power Volt and Sonixforce are gonna be tag team partners in getting all the Old Schoolers and New Schoolers under the same roof.
He wants to go with Marshall amps to appease the gear snobs but I'm advising him on Randall Thrasher because it's the Heaviest Amp and has a cooler Look, fuck Marshall this isn't 1960