Sons of Apollo confirmed as Friday night headliner

Oh Hell Yeah!!! These guys are an amazing live band. Caught them in Montreal and will probably see them in NYC as well... ProgPower will make it a trifecta!!! Thank you Glenn for your amazing work! And hopefully if JSS can sitck around he can join Eclipse on stage!!!
Oh Hell Yeah!!! These guys are an amazing live band. Caught them in Montreal and will probably see them in NYC as well... ProgPower will make it a trifecta!!! Thank you Glenn for your amazing work! And hopefully if JSS can sitck around he can join Eclipse on stage!!!
Nice. Didn't have the chance to see them when they were in Atlanta last February, so it will be cool to catch them this time. Let's hope that they mix up the set a bit from earlier in the tour.
This is a major major upgrade for me. JSS was one of the best frontmen I've ever seen at PP and Portnoy easily the best drummer I've seen there so this is just super awesome that I get to see them both again! Excellent work :)