Soooooo.....I'm kind of a crappy person


His Dudeness
Jan 8, 2002
So this girl I know* recorded a song, and sent it to me...and I had the overwhelming urge to upload it to the internet and share it with people I don't really know (like ya do.) :)

*by know I mean, I had a couple classes with her in college, and for some reason felt the need to contact me 2.5 years after graduation.
So like, she just started playing piano a week ago right?... and she's at least partially deaf?
I want the hearing range that I just lost from listening to that back please.
The recording quality. It just hurts.
myspace said:
Joannie Gagnon - Drums

So this girl I know* recorded a song, and sent it to me...and I had the overwhelming urge to upload it to the internet and share it with people I don't really know (like ya do.) :)

*by know I mean, I had a couple classes with her in college, and for some reason felt the need to contact me 2.5 years after graduation.

n00b, you should had said that: "Woah *name*, that was pretty nice, well it could get better, but it was nice anyway"

"thank you Dred, really, you're a good friend"


I love your tits.

:lol: gotta love you

lele@ :lol: