Sorcerer - In The Shadows of the Inverted Cross

Woo-hoo....this sounds terrific! I love Engberg on vocals, and the doomy Sabbath vibe is great. Hell, I always felt that the first Lion's Share album sounded a lot like Eternal Idol era Sabbath, so Engberg sounds right at home singing this stuff.
Just got this in the mail from our friends at Lasers Edge. St. Peter was suppose to have been crucified on an invert cross. So, Sorcerer's In the Shadow of the Inverted Cross is a dark, doomy affair - and an excellent affair it is! Lots of slow chunky riffs, although there is some very excellent near-shred at the breaks. The vocals are very strong with lot's of Sabbath and Rainbow Rising feel. This will definitely make my best-of list for 2015. Here is another tune: