Sorry, I haven't been around in a while


May 9, 2002
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Hello everyone. :hotjump:

Andreas, our band finally has some songs up. go to the downloads section :loco:

How is everyone else? I think you will all be happy to hear, I am forming a new band that is turning out to sound a lot like Skyfire (Timeless Departure style)

If anyone is interested in moving to milwaukee to join this band, let me know. Right now we have 2 guitars, the drummer and bass player plan backfired when they heard we were moving.

Oh yeah, and to the Skyfire men, superb job on Mind Revolution... Shapes of Insanity makes me want to cry for joy :p
Hey, welcome back, man! You haven't really missed too much recently, it's been a little slow and the band's barely been posting, so all the stuff you did miss isn't exactly buried under other topics. It's good to have you back. :rock:
neal said:
gahh!! too much red dude. my eyes hurt.

Yeah, I actually didn't make it.. I'm thinking about making the font white, would that be better? Thanks for checking it out \M/
White text would look good, and I think you need some black, or at least something really dark to absorb all the red. It looks cool, but the color scheme is a little overwhelming.
yeh. more white and black would make it less painful on the eyes. the red on red on red is just too much. and why just samples of the songs? you're a no-name band trying to make a name for themselves (not a diss) you should give us the whole thing so we'd be more likely to remember you and listen to the songs.
ShadowsKsE said:
I can't wait to hear from stuff from this new band you're saying sounds a lot like TD Style Skyfire, i love every song off that cd.

Give us some time, the song we are currently working on has a lot of speed picking riffs, nice 'pounding' strings, and of course, piano arpeggios.. there's not as many guitar leads, but i think you can hear the heavy skyfire influence. :tickled:
Sounds like it's gonna be nasty. And yeah i know you'll need time, i'm in 2 bands myself takes a long time to get songs perfect. I'm just saying whenever you get it done if you put it online, put a link to it here.
ShadowsKsE said:
Sounds like it's gonna be nasty. And yeah i know you'll need time, i'm in 2 bands myself takes a long time to get songs perfect. I'm just saying whenever you get it done if you put it online, put a link to it here.

I definatly will, I have more faith in this band than i do Crimson Tears... we will be in Milwaukee, if we can bust ass i figure we can get on Milwaukee Metalfest in a few years... seeing how that is a huge fest, maybe someday skyfire will be there :Spin: and if skyfire is there, and i'm there...

and about the songs only being sample, that's what the bassist wanted.. besides, the By Lunar Flames kind of bothers me.. my guitar is slightly out of tune just enough to hear it when we play clean, and it drives me insane..

if you want to check out other bands from wisconsin go to..

There is a band called Tower of Babel,, they sound kind of like old Dimmu Borgir if you are into that... Dumah is kind of viking/doom metal.. Onus doesn't have any songs up, they are incredible though, a lot like Arch Enemy, very very well done.
By Lunar Flames just seems kinda random and chaotic to me. Sorry, I don't like it too much.

The ending of In The Tomb has potential sir.

POWER METAL KEYBOARDS! This track is A+. Whatever it's called. (Your files are named .wav's, but they are actually mp3's...silly Crimson Tears :p).
Gadlor said:
By Lunar Flames just seems kinda random and chaotic to me. Sorry, I don't like it too much.

The ending of In The Tomb has potential sir.

POWER METAL KEYBOARDS! This track is A+. Whatever it's called. (Your files are named .wav's, but they are actually mp3's...silly Crimson Tears :p).

the all keyboard song? that is Swords Raised in Gardens.. they are Layer-3 wav's, thats what i have on my silly computer :p

thanks for listening troops :tickled: