
They actually did exist. There were two more on AudioGalaxy before it shut down. No one really got them though not realizing what it was or how rare they were. I am not the only person who remembers this, there have been others that mentioned it. Surely someone out there has to have a copy of the others...just need to find the. :s
please inform me , what is sørskogen ? a side project form Mike ??? do they sing in sweedish since the tilte of the song is sweedish ?
It shouldn't be a problem finding it on any of the filesharing services, i.e. Soulseek, DC, et cetera. It's a shit quality copy, though.

Dan Swanö will burn you a CD quality copy if you send him a blank CDR and some postage. Same thing with the Steel project he did with Mike A. You can get ahold of him on the Dan Swanö UM board.
Parasite said:
They actually did exist. There were two more on AudioGalaxy before it shut down. No one really got them though not realizing what it was or how rare they were. I am not the only person who remembers this, there have been others that mentioned it. Surely someone out there has to have a copy of the others...just need to find the. :s

your'e misinformed dude.I asked mike when i saw Opeth on march 10th if there was going to be a Sorskogen full length,and he said "no,that was only a one song thing.No other material will be recorded"