Soul SirkUS Wolrd Play 2005


Soul SirkUS-World Play

Independently Released 2005

This surpasses my expectations. The songs are very melodic & are memorable. They will have you singing along, tapping along & maybe even playing air-guitar, guaranteed. If not, you probably have no pulse. The tracks certainly aren‘t left overs from the ill-fated PlanetUS project with Sammy Hagar & Michael Anthony. Only one track, that made the cut is co-written with Sammy, the rest is “fresh” material written mainly by Neal Schon & Jeff Scott Soto. Neal has never been known as a shredder Satriani or Vai style, but he shines on this record, sometimes knowing when to play “just enough” is just as effective. If you were a fan of Hardline this will be to your liking, a harder rocking outfit than his main band Journey, but hopefully not a one-off record. Jeff Scott Soto is the hardest working singer in the Adult Oriented Rock market, he’s been releasing records, contributed to other’s projects & contributed to many tribute records, all released over seas. This record ranks up there with his last band’s release Eyes. Why is the states ignoring this guy?! He’s a fantastic singer! While Neal & company give the fans more bang for their buck , with a whopping 18 tracks, the album is as bloated as Jani Lane’s gigantic “keg belly.” It’s too long. That is the only down side to this release. Strong melodic, catchy, hard rockin‘, high calibur singer & superb musicianship. A winning combination! This band is waving the flag of arena rock, though playing smaller venues. Please check out the band’s website for more information on this release
