Soulfly live at HOB in Anaheim!

Oct 5, 2003
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Anyone else go to this show? It fucking ruled! Soulfly was brutal. I have seen them a bunch of times, have seen Sepultura a bunch of times dating back to the Arise days and this was definetely up there with the best Max show I have ever seen. They played a few old Sepultura songs (Troops of Doom and Refuse/Resists) Troops of Doom was fucking SIC! The entire HOB was one huge mosh pit, haven't seen a show with that much brutal energy in a long long time. They sounded perfect. The new material from Dark Ages sounded very similar to old Sepultura stuff. One of the better shows I have seen all year. Max rules so does the entire band he has put together.
I saw the new soulfly video on tv in the UK last week - it reminded me pleasantly of "Arise", which is hands down my favourite Seps album.

I'm not a huge fan of Soulfly or Sepultura post Arise - I thought Chaos A.D. was ok but too simplistic. I couldn't for the life of me fid anything of merit in Roots - and at the time in the metal press here it was viewed like the second coming of Christ or something. All I could hear was Max wanking off to Korn. It was scarily like the Emperors new clothes.

Soulfly and their boring mono-riff and didgeridoo hybrid was always a shtick too far for me, and Derrick Green, while an imposing performer, just didn't do it for me. Live he's good, but the newer Sepultura songwriting has been too disjointed and all over the shop.

Just my two-pence worth.
its def hard when bands change,i havent followed seps since roots,although i didnt like roots too much,was damn glad i saw them on arise tour,
spitzs lazy eye said:
Great shows they were. Melbourne 2003 was great performance too.

Go see them on tour right now, you will be pleasantly suprised. Max is better than ever, brutal its fuckin sic. They sound as good as they did on the Arise tour, I also didn't like Roots and wasn't a huge fan of Chaos A.D.

Beneath the Remains is my favorite Sep record, Schizo and Arise close behind.

This Soulfly tour is like being back in that era, I was blown away.

Soulfly has done a lot of different stuff but right now they are definetely in brutality mode and are fuckin shit up, best 20 bucks I have spent all year