SOULS OF BLACK re-recorded???


Mar 8, 2004
I found this on youtube and i'm a little confused about it. Is this from an official release?

The intro sounds really good.

I don't know about this one. if they re-did some songs different I guess it would be better. this album is by far my least favorite from them. well,except for the solos,Alex went totally berserk on this one.

edit: oh,at least this one have some actually good drumming going on. I swear the first 5 Testament albums is the best thrash ever with the worst drumming ever... Louie should have been a chef,a mob guy,a Sopranos actor or whatever,but definitely not a drummer.
I love that album the rhythms are like solos and the solos are just all out like you said.Of course Chucks voice is a constant awesome!
I completely agree about the drumming I think Louie would have been better suited to a rock band.
Man that rocks and I think that is the one from Rock Band it would rock if they re-recorded the whole CD.
yeah this is the recording that was done for rockband, i still like the old version better
I would just like the drums redone if they ever do it.I love Chucks voice it's so evil and mean it's just the best.But it doesn't have the same quality that it used to have.A really cool quality.Plus I love the lead and rhythm sound it's very smooth but with a lot of attitude and they would probably change it along with some other things, like that Souls of Black remake.And that's fine I love First Strike still Deadly because it's meaner sounding.But the original is gold to me that's what my nostalgic teen feelings are attached to.My brain expects and hangs on certain notes and sounds and when they aren't there or different it's like a crash..I think I might actually get a little sad.
If I really had my way it would be a double disc with the original but remastered with new drums and then a disc with the rerecorded version....double duty for Paul LOL!!
I would just like the drums redone if they ever do it.I love Chucks voice it's so evil and mean it's just the best.But it doesn't have the same quality that it used to have.A really cool quality.Plus I love the lead and rhythm sound it's very smooth but with a lot of attitude and they would probably change it along with some other things, like that Souls of Black remake.And that's fine I love First Strike still Deadly because it's meaner sounding.But the original is gold to me that's what my nostalgic teen feelings are attached to.My brain expects and hangs on certain notes and sounds and when they aren't there or different it's like a crash..I think I might actually get a little sad.
If I really had my way it would be a double disc with the original but remastered with new drums and then a disc with the rerecorded version....double duty for Paul LOL!!

when i first heard SOB in 1990 i was somewhat dissapoint but this one really grows on me.
But SOB and the Ritual could get some "polishing". I think the way Flotsam and Jetsam did it with doomsday for the deciever was great. origianl + remixed remastered+ bonus tracks + dvd ! That record remixed and remaster sounds so much better!
The drums on SOB are ok nothing special (beside of the bad and muddy sound) but on THE RITUAL it is non stop boring, sorry but that's my honest opinion. On the other side Alex made his best soli on those two records and i think the same about Chuck as you!
The remaster of Doomsday is awesome!!! I can't wait for their new album "The Cold" it should have been out by July but once again the record company isn't giving them much support.Now they are saying like February!
I agree about the drums.But now that I think about it I don't think it's all Louis fault.I have an interview from an old Rip magazine with Eric.And he says that it was Alex who cut out a lot of the double bass.So I think it could have been better at least on the Ritual, but I still think Louie was better for a rock band.
The remaster of Doomsday is awesome!!! I can't wait for their new album "The Cold" it should have been out by July but once again the record company isn't giving them much support.Now they are saying like February!
I agree about the drums.But now that I think about it I don't think it's all Louis fault.I have an interview from an old Rip magazine with Eric.And he says that it was Alex who cut out a lot of the double bass.So I think it could have been better at least on the Ritual, but I still think Louie was better for a rock band.

i wish they would remixe and remaster all the stuff from legacy to ritual. Sometimes i like it more simple on the drums, Bostaph is big machine behind the drums and so is Lombardo and sometimes i think they did too much an some songs. I fav. TESTAMENT drummer is John Tempesta he did an awesome jon on LOW and FSSD.

I'm sometimes on the FLOTSAM board and i'm really excited about the new FLOTSAM record. I love NO PLACE FOR DISGRACE and wish they would remsi remaster NPFD and WTSCD!

WTSCD has been remastered along with Drift and Quatro with bonus material from Metal mind productions.They are even # and on Gold cd's.Unfortunately No Place For Disgrace might never be as Elektra are dicks and says the band owes them money after giving them no support.That album is up there with any Thrash album from anyone ever.I've wondered though how it is that Flotsam has been able to get so many of their albums remastered when Testament hasn't.I love Flotsam to death but Testament is the more well known band.