SOULS OF WE Featuring GEORGE LYNCH On Headbanger's Heaven This Weekend, Autographed C

This Saturday night on Maximum Threshold will have

I just wanted to shoot you a quick message to let you know a few things going on over at Maximum Threshold

This weeks show will be a powerhouse show: Greg Howe and London Legrande (Souls of We, ex Brides of Destruction) 11/29 @ 8pm EST

Greg Howe will be on talk about his new release and the historic make-up of his music career. We hope to talk about his influences and the projects that he has been involved with over the years.

London Legrande, vocalist for George Lynch’s new project Souls of We. We expect to talk about the project of working with Mr. Scary and the interaction between them in the creation of the new album. Also we will look forward to talking about Brides of Destruction as well as Rock Stars on Mars.
If you have questions for our guests please email them to We may even have a special call in … Stay tuned and be there!!

We have a live feed 24/7 running right now that is playing the music you hear on the show as well as the last show. So go back to the website and click one of the player options at the top right and listen to it. Pretty good stuff. We have previous clips in there and some really cool tidbits of some of our funnier moments on the show, as well as previous interviews, shows, new music etc... You will like it, I hope!

We have added our 12th syndicate station with MT, more to come!!! MT is beginning to be a well requested show and we are very excited about it. Please check out the sponsors of the show as well the hosts. To see when our show is being played on their site please visit the bottom of the MT site for program times. Show them some love by visiting their site and signing up and post in their forums.

Remember to update your profile and change your default picture on your profile to keep it fresh.

If you have any questions for the show or want to just say hello here are the email addresses to keep in touch with us. We love to hear from you.
