Sound quality on Raspatul song on Rapture Sabbath compilation.


Northen Thrashing Madness
Mar 14, 2002
Hey there Wes, i was wondering why the sound on the Raspatul song is of a lower quality? The rest of the bands on the compilation didn't have the same problem like ours... and also there were a lot of jitters when playing the CD, are all the CDs you sent out sound like this too? Sorry for being a bitch here! Because the difference on the sound quality is way too much.
I have not received any emails or comments from anyone concerning the sound quality of the cd or anyone mentioning skipping.Every cd was made from the exact same master file so they should all be the same maybe Twan can answer does yours skip Twan?
As far as sound quality goes your song was stright from the cd you sent to me.As for the other bands the songs were all pulled from the cds they sent I did not enhance anyones production so as to why yours is not as good as theirs maybe their production is just higher qulaity?
Hey Wes,

well, sound quality factor is a totally different issue here. I am an audio engineer so i know what i am saying. Maybe it's the way the song was being transferred to the radio station? I have actually done conversions from WAV format to MP3 format using lower quality or perhaps radio FM quality MP3 and this is exactly what i hear on the Raspatul song. In fact, when i was hearing our song on Rapture Radio i already noticed the quality drop, but i figured it might be due to sound quality of the Radio Station that Live 365 gives, etc... I am not really very sure about this side of things, but i do know for sure that the Raspatul song is 100% not supposed to sound like it was on the compilation because i am the one who recorded, mixed and mastered it. You can hear it on the CD that i send to you and you will understand.

As for the jitter problem, did you burn it at the lowest speed possible? Sometimes it could be due to this problem or maybe the CDR that i got was a faulty one and i guess i am really unlucky then. :erk: