Sounds Like Darkspace


Feb 21, 2008
Waterford, MI
Any black metal out there with a cosmic atmosphere to it like Darkspace? The closest thing I could come up with was Samael (Only on Passage though)
Although it is different than Darkspace musically, Beyond The Lands Of Human Existence by Direwolf has a spacey/cosmic atmosphere. I've heard a lot of people say it is Black Metal and a lot of people say it isn't, but it's still a good album either way, in my opinion.

I've also been looking for more bands like this as well.
Darkspace is truly a one-of-a-kind band. Augury has as cosmic atmosphere but its not black metal. If you like that check out their guitarists side-project Humanoid. Its more progessive with ambient influences.

You might also like ColdWorld, Vinterriket, IC Rex, and of course Paysage d'Hiver.
Darkspace is really not very unique at all, soundwise anyway. They sound like a bunch of other dime-a-dozen 2nd wave BM bands with a sparse, minimal sound.
Darkspace is really not very unique at all, soundwise anyway. They sound like a bunch of other dime-a-dozen 2nd wave BM bands with a sparse, minimal sound.

So aside from the two bands that I named, what's another band that actually sounds like them anyway? Blut aus Nord is kinda similar in some ways, but definitely doesn't sound like them. I like them a lot, so I'd definitely be interested if you can name one. :heh:
If they're so typical, I can't see why it's so difficult to name bands that sound like them.

They don't really sound that similar, but I figure most Darkspace fans will like Lunar Aurora.
i downloaded darkspace 1 I think and it sounded just like atmoshperic/ambient bm, idk any band in that subgenre of BM would do I guess
Last I checked, an arena full of muffler-less mopeds traveling at top speed sounds like Darkspace.