South African kid lasts one day at work..


Readin' me posts are ya?
May 16, 2001
Surbiton. The Posh bit
I can't believe this happened today...

A kid of about 21/22 started today doing some admin and general shit. He's a white South African and he's been in the UK for about a month.

His new boss went to introduce herself this morning, and got some small talk going. She asked him: "So, how do you like London so far?"

His reply?

"It's okay. Too many my pals though...".

Her: "....I'm sorry... What did you just say?"

Kid to the (Indian) woman on next desk: "Do you call blacks my pals over here too?"

Everyone: "Ummmm....errr....ummmmm"

He was escorted from the building just before lunch after putting in a grand total of 3.5 hour's work. I don't think he quite understood what was going on :)

Employees are red hot on this sort of shit now. He was out on a "Gross Misconduct" charge.
there are a lot of my pals in London now? ... that is strange ... I am with the kid then :loco:
one of the designers that works for me from Romania .. sent an joke email with "my pals" in the subject ... to me and some other guys working for a recruiting firm in Texas.

needless to say the guys at the firm got in trouble ... never put my pals in the subject of your emails. I love foreigners and their non PCness :lol:
It kinda is... wogs is somewhat an all encompassing word for foreigners around here, though where I used to live, there was a name for every breed of the buggers, so I guess wog was reduced to just the Greeks.
Lee_B said:
A kid of about 21/22 started today doing some admin and general shit. He's a white South African and he's been in the UK for about a month.

His new boss went to introduce herself this morning, and got some small talk going. She asked him: "So, how do you like London so far?"

His reply?

"It's okay. Too many my pals though...".

Her: "....I'm sorry... What did you just say?"

Kid to the (Indian) woman on next desk: "Do you call blacks my pals over here too?"

How many people do you have working over at the Elitist head offices? :p
he was fired for that? damn, in the US the manager would have to go through hoops to have that kid fired, what with all the lawsuits these days. the first step would have been to put him through "Sensitivity Training".

Me, I'd of given him a promotion. haha, not really, or maybe, yeah, nah, don't think so
He'd been employed through a temp agency so he wasn't full time staff. He was just doing filing, answering the phone and other shite.

Since I work at a bank, I guess they're extra sensitive about anything like that. Imagine the lawsuit if he'd have said that to a customer? :)
In seriousness, they could have at least let him off with a warning and given him some orientations to stop such "indiscretions" from happening again. Come on, you don't expect a kid who has grown up with apartheid to be 100% politically correct.
MajestikMøøse said:
In seriousness, they could have at least let him off with a warning and given him some orientations to stop such "indiscretions" from happening again. Come on, you don't expect a kid who has grown up with apartheid to be 100% politically correct.

As I say, he was temp staff. They could fire you if they don't like the colour of your shirt if they really wanted. As a temp you have zero rights.

Most South Africans I know are extra sensitive about that subject, since people assume they're going to be racist to begin with.
Taking that temp condition into consideration it's understandable then. Seems kinda silly though (on both sides: he should have known better and the staff probably should have taken a directive to let him know that it wasn't socially proper and then told him that if he did it again THEN he would be fired)
treading shit = gay, south african = almost afraicn hahahahahahha fags LISTEN TOT HRAHS METAL