South american metal? Oh yeah


Enemy of fate
Apr 25, 2011
Hello there!

We are Proagression -it isn't a mispronunciation- and we are a Thrash/Heavy metal band from... Argentina.
We just released our first demo with a really, really hard work, and we're just trying to spread our music. We are doing this in Buenos Aires playing live, and through the social networks, forums, blogs and all that s*it because it's free xD.
The idea of people just downloading our demo and listening to it in any place of the globe is just amazing, we're not chasing fame or money, we are just musicians who want to take the music worldwide... or just try it.
In this part of the world only the massive music is published in the record stores, so it's really difficult to purchase albums of heavy or extreme music because it "don't sell". Thanks to the internet we can hear new bands, new stiles, amazing musicians who are almost unknown, and that's the "magic" thing. We want to try the same thing, so we'll keep in touch with this great community, we'll share music and i will improve my english!

thank you all, i'll be soon uploading our demo for free.

Saludos desde Argentina!!! (cheers from Argentina!!!)

Sounds like a great mission! Goodluck. We are trying to do the same thing.. so here's six and a half minutes of entertainment for you (more traditional metal/hardrock)

Saludos desde Melbourne, Australia
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