South american tour rescheduled...

Hey Mike, what about our tour dates? I´m waiting to see opeth since 2003, when the 2 shows were cancelled :(.

Please, don´t do that again, we need to see Opeth. :erk:
Or if Caracas renamed itself to Carcass in honor of the mighty Carcass.

Exhume to consume!
MarcOpeth said:
Bump! :confused:

Hey south american opethians, keep this thread alive ´til mike or someone of Opeth post an answer to us.

We want Opeth :(.

yes. and Opeth will definintley reschedule all their plans to fit your schedule. :rolleyes:

a couple of people posting in this thread isn't going to change anything.
It would be interesting to have some feedback though. Even if it's doubtful we'll get one :p

Honestly, they should at least have put something on the news of their site, instead of simply 'rescheduling'(likely to be 'cancelling') the tour under the cloak without any further word about it...
BloodyScalpel said:

@coldfusion: that's cause of the formation change in the band. funnily enough, other tours didn't get canceled though :bah:

Yeah, im getting used with this "rescheduling" and "cancelling" stuff.
But at least is "rescheduling"... maybe in early 2007 they came.

I already know the solution for all this problem.. i gonna move to sweden or any other country in europe, earning money doing circus stuff in the middle of the street when the car stop like some do here in brasil, and with that money i will pay my beer, show tickets and transport =)

yeah im tr003 XD


Please OPETH, reply us :cool:
NineFeetUnderground said:
dont drink the water on that tour...
That's why your government seems so interested in our underground water reservoirs, I know :p
ColdFusion said:
Yeah, im getting used with this "rescheduling" and "cancelling" stuff.
But at least is "rescheduling"... maybe in early 2007 they came.

I already know the solution for all this problem.. i gonna move to sweden or any other country in europe, earning money doing circus stuff in the middle of the street when the car stop like some do here in brasil, and with that money i will pay my beer, show tickets and transport =)

yeah im tr003 XD


Please OPETH, reply us :cool:
:loco: tio, me dá um trocado? :lol::lol::lol: