South American Tour - True or false???

El Yeti

Too old for this shit...
Feb 16, 2010
Argentina... or just Mordor
Hey , there has been all kinds of rumour about DT playing in Argentina, even the date was given, and now Ticketek has started to sell the tickets. But, there is no news about that on the official site, and there is no news or rumour about any other south american gig either... so... Is this true??? Or I am just about to buy tickets for a phantom show???

News about any S.american show are welcome.
There has been a SA tour on the verge of getting confirmed for quite a while now, but the dates have changed a couple of times for various reasons. Please don't book any tickets before we announce it officially, just to be on the safe side. We'll most likely play SA in May, but you all know how unpredictable the music world is.
I´ve heard that they will be playing in Uruguay!! That´s fucking awesome, Uruguay is a country that bands always forget.

So, if Uruguay is on the tour it´s more than posible that Brazil will get their DT dose :)
I really hope you're right! If they come to my city, Curitiba. as Iced Earth did a while ago, things will be even better!
from the official ...

Jun 3 2010 8:00P Circo Volador Mexico city
Jun 4 2010 8:00P Salon JP de Puebla Puebla, Chiapas
Jun 5 2010 8:00P Teatro Metropol Bogota
Jun 8 2010 8:00P Voce Lima
Jun 9 2010 8:00P Teatro Novedades Santiago
Jun 10 2010 8:00P Teatro Flores Buenos Aires
Jun 11 2010 8:00P Complejo Troya Monte Video
Jun 12 2010 8:00P TBA Sao Paulo
Jun 13 2010 8:00P TBA Curitiba
Yeah! I´ve just seen it on the official site! I´m getting my tickets today!!!!!!

And really good news for our friend lgalicki! They will play in his town, Curitiba!!!

I´m really excited about this one! Can´t wait!!
I'm actually considering going to Colombia (or even México), but my problem is that the concerts are (1) exactly when I have classes and (2) at the end of the semester. I'm taking four M.A. courses, and teaching two groups, so it's quite risky :( .

I just hope a promoter would be smart enough to bring them here!!!
Totally freaking awesome show in Buenos Aires last night!!!! Great performance, and they gave their best on stage. The setlist was almost the same as in the whole tour... And we got the chance to see Niklas smiling!!!! :lol:
The guys are the best! After the show was finished they stayed like 10 more minutes on stage shaking hands and stuff like that...

Ohhh one more thing... guys... next time you perform here in Argentina.. you MUST ask for a different brand of beer! Quilmes really does suck! :puke: :p

DT thanks for another amazing concert, can´t wait for the next dose!!!
Last night it was my turn here in Curitiba! Even after 30 gigs in 34 days, they put up a hell of a show! Those were the shortest two hours of my life! It was in a small venue, and I love small venues because they allow us to get closer to the band!

Today my neck still hurts! It was one hell of a show!! it's really a pleasure to watch these gentleman as they are true showmen! Mikael promised they'd return! I hope they really do!

Thanks for the amazing time, DT! :headbang: