Southern NJ/Philly progressive-melodic metalers, Of Wrath and Ruin, release debut


New Metal Member
Feb 22, 2011
Hey guys, just wanted to put the word out that we've released our debut album, "Conquering Oblivion" on Apollyon Records. You can check out the first track on the album, "Forever Unseen", here:

If you'd like to help out some poor musicians, you can purchase the album on iTunes and (and also on our website


Hope you guys enjoy the music!

Ryan - OfWar
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Listener Reviews (from,,

“Very power metal in the guitar, the guttural vocals are actually vocals instead of a bunch of incoherent screams.”

“I listened to Forever Unseen. I like this song, as you guys are predominantly metal but have singing (sorta like Dimmu Borgir). I wish other metal bands would do this. Keep it up!”

“Really Good Stuff. Helps me concentrate on my work. Your music has a really nice kind of a "Children of Bodom" mixed with Black Sabbath. A combo you guys seem to have made work.”

“Before I listened to this song I was like "Gee, metal sucks. I might as well listen to Nickleback." Now, I'm all like "F***!! My hair is growing 2 inches a minute and I'm craving sweep arpeggios and double bass like a mother f***er!". This is so metal that my body became liquid metal like in Terminator 2.”

“You guys sound like a cross between Amon Amarth, Baroness, and Ensifarium. I f***ing love it.”

“They remind me of a progressive-metal inspired meeting of Children of Bodom and In Flames (with a little bit of video game metal thrown in the mix). Dig it.”

“Crisp vocals and well done instrumentals. Good on all aspects. I like.”

“Epic s***. Sounds like Symph X meets In Flames. Love it.”

Of Wrath and Ruin - Conquering Oblivion (2011)

Could it be? Yes it is! This is my favorite album of the year so far. This is Of Wrath and Ruin's first album to date and it's FUCKING AWESOME!!!! Metal-Archives says this band plays "Progressive Metal," but I don't think so...I think the band plays Progressive Melodic Death and a touch of Power Metal - about 5%. I am astonished listening to this album now as I write this. I promise Loadown, you won't regret this one...

10/10 - Perfect Melodies, Perfect Solos, Perfect Riffing, and Perfect Execution in all aspects! Listen to the two songs from the nine song album below and then grab the full thing!
"The first band that comes to mind when trying to compare these guys to somebody would probably be Dimmu Borgir, but there is also a very Symphony X vibe here too. Musically, this is progressive metal, but it never seems to go too far off into a tangent and cleverly avoids the “wank music” tag by never sacrificing melody for speed or skill. That’s not to say that you won’t find any of either of those things on the disc, the pace gets quite frenetic at times and some of the guitar work here is amazing, but unlike other bands in the genre Of Wrath and Ruin also know when to tone it down and just focus on a simple melody line to get their point across. The keyboard is also used very sensibly and while you can always hear it, it plays second fiddle to the guitars in the mix which is certainly a good thing...[Pat Brose's] artistic vision and his skills across the board are very impressive and I’m sure he has a long future ahead in the metal business."

"One of my favorites of the year!"
-Seriah Azkath, Last Exit for the Lost

"...the New Jersey based band Of Wrath And Ruin is creating a sort of Melodic Symphonic Black Metal. The vocals are Black Metal orientated, but instrumental the CD is filled with high quality Melodic Progressive Power Metal of a very high level. You have to accept the Black Metalish vocals, which are made more melodic during the choruses thanks to some light harmonyvocals and amazing guitarwork that definitely contribute a lot to the overall performance. That was however during the first track “Forever unseen”, but apparently the band also recently added a female singer called Laura Tyburski, who shines during a couple of tracks, such as the fantastic “Lust and love”. She has a great voice..."
-Strutter Magazine
Of Wrath and Ruin LIVE at the Trocadero, Philadelphia PA:

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