Southern Rock/ Hardcore Mix (CJ, does it have vibe yet?! :P)

Ice Man

Sep 18, 2006
West Palm Beach, FL is My Boomstick.mp3

I know it's not up to snuff, Charles. More of a joke to get your attention to tell me how bad it is. :p

The band is called History of Monsters. Tracked with a 6505/OD9 into Mesa Oversized 4x12 with a 57. This mix is a bed-mix prior to automation and production nuances. Questioning the snare tone and the bass focus-frequency, but we'll see what you guys think.

Thanks for listening!
Haha, you ROCK dude!

I'd say you're correct on fixing the bass' fundamental frequency. I dig the snare and everything else, though!

i'd distort the vocals a bit (more)... maybe make the bass tone super nasty =D

i feel like there is a hole in the middle of this which the bass is lacking to fill and in turn, it makes this mix a bit hard to judge!

good freakin job though, dude!!