SPAM this sick f*kker:

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there's crap load of auctions like that. yesterday I saw dude selling signed guitar world magazine for $250, people were selling Columbus newspapers from thursday too. It is wrong......
That doesn't even look like his signature. I've got Dime's autograph on my CD of Vulgar, my vinyl edition of Far Beyond Driven and on one of my electric guitars and that doesn't look the same.

And, no, I'm not planning on selling them anytime soon. I couldn't think of anything more morbid right now. :cry:
It's going to happen anyhow.
sumairetsu said:
That doesn't even look like his signature. I've got Dime's autograph on my CD of Vulgar, my vinyl edition of Far Beyond Driven and on one of my electric guitars and that doesn't look the same.

And, no, I'm not planning on selling them anytime soon. I couldn't think of anything more morbid right now. :cry:
If I would fake a signature with intent to sell it to someone on eBay, I wouldn't fake it to read "ROB! KEEP ON ROCKIN!" but something more generic, 'cause let's face it, not everyone is called Rob

Give this moron hell, don't let these assh*les off the hook. If you have any regard at all for Dimebag's work, spam these scumbags...

By the way, whoever wrote: "Who cares? If people purchase it, it's not going to affect you in any way, shape, or form."

Well, aren't you one CLASSY motherf*cker!!! Show some respect, bitch! Dimebag did more for the metal scene than ANYONE else, show respect or go listen to New Wave, stupid c*nt...
Show respect? What, by spamming someone I don't know for wanting to sell something on ebay that has nothing to do with me? YOU. Sit down, and shut the fuck up.

Lock thread. Now.
I can see how it may offend somebody as it seems rather calculating and opportunistic but really, what are you going to achieve by spamming this guy?
hellsmetal said:

Give this moron hell, don't let these assh*les off the hook. If you have any regard at all for Dimebag's work, spam these scumbags...

By the way, whoever wrote: "Who cares? If people purchase it, it's not going to affect you in any way, shape, or form."

Well, aren't you one CLASSY motherf*cker!!! Show some respect, bitch! Dimebag did more for the metal scene than ANYONE else, show respect or go listen to New Wave, stupid c*nt...

How can anyone be such a moron?

Days after the guy has been killed, and degenerate people like you are already making their own "spam" by jizzing over anything he ever touched/wrote/said and actually trivialising this tragedy by canonising him as a martyr that he never chose to be and in a way that doesn't do the guy any dignity at all.

More specifically, what the hell is wrong with this e-bay case? Simply because he was selling it at the time of his death, doesn't make him some sort of blasphemous traitor, and it doesn't detract at all from what other people feel about the situation.

Honestly, you remind me of some sort of bible basher in the middle ages.

Do the guy and his family a favour and pay your dignified respect to him rather than instantly canvasing for your ridiculous brand of fanaticism that makes you seem like the sick "motherfucker" for jumping on the whole "he's dead, let's make him a god" bandwagon that gave the same treatment to Cobain.
hellsmetal said:

Give this moron hell, don't let these assh*les off the hook. If you have any regard at all for Dimebag's work, spam these scumbags...

By the way, whoever wrote: "Who cares? If people purchase it, it's not going to affect you in any way, shape, or form."

Well, aren't you one CLASSY motherf*cker!!! Show some respect, bitch! Dimebag did more for the metal scene than ANYONE else, show respect or go listen to New Wave, stupid c*nt...

People like you inspire me to troll Bodybag-cocksucking topics on all forums I can find.
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