...I am a big Vivian Campbell fan, but am yet to get into his work with Def Leppard. What is this era Def Leppard like, and what would be some good songs to download to get an idea, or what album(s) should I be after?
Far as I know Vivian Campbell has only appeared on Two releases ie : Slang and Euphoria.
But there is also Vault - Greatest Hits which has tracks lifted from the other release Retroactive, a sort of well this is what it says on the cover "this is not a new DL album not is it an old DL record. It is Retro Active - A collection of songs which ahve appeared in various hard to find places or in certin cases never made it out of the studio until now" it has a very interesting cover . If I new how in the fuk to scan a picture in i'd show you the cover - but thats another story.
So that may help so if you already have "Vault " viv plays on "Action" an old Sweet cover and "Two steps behind " both are which on Retro-active.
Of "Slang " and "Eurhoria " I prefur Slang of the two but hav'nt given then alisten for ages.
Of the track a little why do think of Vivian when he was in Dio .
Well he is more melodic, nowhere near as fast, pretty much 80s hard rock leads as opposed to 80s metal leads. Phill Collen does a majority of the leads for Leppard, Viv is too busy "playing for the song" now (GEES im sick of hearing that!!)