Spearhead - Decrowning the Irenarch

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
Time to put the discussion of soap, cereal, and Matt Stone's faggotry on the backburner for a spell, in order to present a nice slab of martial mayhem. When I say martial, think Axis of Advance, not Moosemusik. Hailing from the United Kingdom, Spearhead earned their name from lancing zits off the faces of Chavs in the back alleyways of Birmingham. Hope your Adidas track suit is of a darkened hue, these lads take no shit. Vortigern barrages with the fury of Heston in a chariot, yet has the common sense to show restraint when tea is served. This lad is simply a shining talent behind the kit. While his cohorts Nephilim and Invictus do Caesar proud with riffs sharp enough to cut through a thousand Jesuits. Beautiful solos succinctly scatter across the lagoon of Poveglia. The dead shall rise! As shall your right index finger as you sample the tracks below. For fans of Angelcorpse, Bolt Thrower, Naomi, and Roman domination.


Decrowning the Irenarch
Road to Austerlitz
In the Face of the Absolute

Can be found for $9 at http://www.arsmagnarecordings.com/

U.S tour tentatively scheduled for the fall.

Listen, Purchase, Discuss!!!
Gave it a shot based on the Bolt Thrower comparison. I'm not hearing it. It's just too blast beat laden for my tastes and the vocals are quite generic. "Decrowning the Irenarch" is just plain noise. "Road to Austerlitz" has some cool tempo changes, but again the backbone of the song is just drowning in chaotic blastbeats (though the toned down final 30 seconds of the song were very cool). Unfortunately, the chaos returns in "In the Face of the Absolute", though the lead guitar work in that song gives it a more unique feel.

"Those Once Loyal" from Bolt Thrower contains just the right amount of groove and headbanging godliness that I want when reaching for straightforward death metal. Still man, keep those music posts coming. The effort is much appreciated. :kickass:
I listened to this album a good half dozen times, sadly it falls short of the glory of Augustus. The tracks posted above possess the majority of the highlights, with the opening track blatantly plagiarizing a riff or two from Arghoslent's playbook. Von Demonicus' signature belch "hey" is also borrowed for effect. These lads do have talent, but they need to etch out their own identity or be buried beneath Hadrian's wall.