Spearhead - Decrowning the Irenarch

Dec 21, 2003
Sudbury, Canada
Spearhead – Decrowning the Irenarch
Invictus Productions – 2007
By Adam McAuley


Spearhead perform abrasive music that that has a slightly more aggressive mindset than the vaguely similar Melechesh. They play staccato riffs that have a military-like beat about them. The style is distinctive enough and can become appreciated more as you increase the amount of listening time. While it seems to be rooted in death metal, you can also detect a black metal vibe from the music. The music sounds a bit sterile, but I think that’s the type of aura the band is aiming at. There is a certain vehemence that comes of out from the vocals which are spit out with appropriate hatred.

“Road to Austerlitz” shows all the musical atmosphere the band is trying to portray and features a closing solo that appropriately closes it off. This is one of the highlights of the disc. I think the band do a reasonably good job creating a spiteful tone throughout. They sound to be driven in intensity and though the music they create is relatively uniform, it still packs a punch. I wish Spearhead would throw in more interludes and interesting sections as this would give them an even more varied approach. Still, the enjoyable display comes to an end with an instrumental and by that time a mark has been made upon the listener.

I definitely think there’s room for improvement from what they’ve shown on Decrowning the Irenarch, but the band is on the right track for the style they perform. I think metal fans that get into the riffing displays of the band will appreciate them the most, as it is a huge draw in the outfit’s music. Spearhead have created their own little niche and everyone should be willing to check it out.

Official Spearhead Band My Space
Official Invictus Productions Records Website