Specially for Fenrir13

I have soemthing for Fenrir also..... I RIPPED OFF YOUR POSE MUAHAHAHA
holy FUCK dude, I was peeing myself! It was 80's metal mixed with videogame music!! Lemme guess, it was the videogame cover band idea I had, wasn't it! :lol:

That song did rock pretty fuckin' hard, too! :D Thanks for thinking of me dude. If I am ever in Brazil i'll forcibly pour a bunch of vodka down your throat in thanks.

ANd it's cool Bodomite, i havn't exactly cornered the market ont he "swill beer and flip off the camera" pose, it's open to any and all of us deliquents. ;)

I have to watch that while drunk. Involving videogame stuff, a pink rabbit, a skull headed thing and a bunch of random stuff...wtf???? :lol:
haha that song sounded really familiar, it must be from a game i played before.....

there's lots of similarities between metal and game soundtrack, and soundtracks in general .... you can tell those japanese guys programming Contra in the 80's listened to stuff like early metallica and megadeth.

anyway there's some fuckin brilliant work in those old 8 bit games, considering you hear nothing but 4 generated waveforms and an occasional pcm....
hehe! I was looking thru a bunch of pics I have with my friends; in all of them I am either swigging booze, giving the horns, flipping off the camera, or some mixture of the 3, sometimes all 3. :lol: I guess being forced to smile in all those pics as a kid sort of twisted me.