Speek Kill Hate - Acts of Insanity

Dec 21, 2003
Sudbury, Canada
Speed Kill Hate - Acts of Insanity
Listenable Records - 2004
By Adam McAuley


These thrashers have an immediate appeal in having members of the band Overkill, but unfortunately from the outset I have to say they don’t quite live up to the standards set by them. The main issues I have with this band are in the performances that slightly mar music that shows a very large amount of potential. The vocalist Mario is a little on the gruff side, even for thrash which is known for having love/hate type vocalists. Some of the shouted tough guy-esque parts of songs are too forced and cheesy sounding.

Additionally, the drumming sounds slightly hollow for my taste and doesn’t really do complete justice to what are at times some very punishing riffs. Of note are the bridges and solos which are usually done at appropriate times and effectively. Speed Kill Hate are certainly a solid band, but I guess that the presence of Overkill members makes me expect some pre-defined level of quality. Still, they have to be applauded for having a unique sound and pushing it in some directions thrash isn’t normally known for. In particular, the album sounds more modern and less traditional than what I’m usually used to in the genre, with an emphasis on being pummeling over creating fancy riffs. Not to say there isn’t variety, because a decent amount is present, but the album stays in fairly straightforward gears throughout.

Definately recommended to people looking for something different within the usually pretty narrow frame of thrash, but Speed Hate Kill are far from the greatest band I’ve heard within the genre.


Listenable Records
Speed Kill Hate Website
Typo alert! :oops: Name of the band is "Speed Kill Hate", not "Speek Kill Hate". Come to think of it, the wrong name still rocks!

I got check out anything with Dave Linsk in it, he's one of the best thrash guitarists on the circuit!