Spheric Universe Experience - Anima


New Metal Member
Jun 9, 2006
Finally, a real prog metal album this year. Don't get me wrong the DT and the Symphony X are progressive, but not like this. This album is what I wish those bands still sounded like. The production is way better than Mental Torments and the music is great. Total true progmetal, the way it used to be. No screaming harsh vocals (SYMX), no metallicaesque vocals (DT), just striaghtforward proggy passages with heavy atmospheric keyboards and solos.

People do youself a favor and order this CD from Laser's Edge. It could very well be the best true progmetal album of the year along with the Suspyre, which I think is also great. Of course this year's got several other one's in the woodwork, namely Pagan's Mind, Adagio, and hopefully Circus Maximus.

Thanks for letting me rant.
Finally, a real prog metal album this year. Don't get me wrong the DT and the Symphony X are progressive, but not like this. This album is what I wish those bands still sounded like. The production is way better than Mental Torments and the music is great. Total true progmetal, the way it used to be. No screaming harsh vocals (SYMX), no metallicaesque vocals (DT), just striaghtforward proggy passages with heavy atmospheric keyboards and solos.

People do youself a favor and order this CD from Laser's Edge. It could very well be the best true progmetal album of the year along with the Suspyre, which I think is also great. Of course this year's got several other one's in the woodwork, namely Pagan's Mind, Adagio, and hopefully Circus Maximus.

Thanks for letting me rant.

While SUE is an amazing band and I loved the hell out of Mental Torments, did it ever occur to you that a band that still plays in the same vein as "Images And Words" over and over again is less progressive than a band incorporating new styles into the music and playing a 10 year old style of music over and over defeats the purpose of being progressive? Cause that's the case.

Of course, I'm still waiting for this release.
No to me, progressive metal is a traditional 5 piece band with guitars, vocals, keyboards, bass, and drums. This "progressing" crap is getting to me. I'm not saying the band has to sound like "Images & Words", but to me it should maintain that basic sound. Several of my favorite bands, and I'm sure yours, have changed their style and gotten heavier with gruffier vocals and steered away from traditional prog metal. It's got nothing to to do with progressing their sound. I think you will understand more of what I'm saying when you hear the Spheric. I think if Dream Theater went and did another album like Awake and I&W, which I think they can still do, it would be amazing. Progmetal is odd time signatures, instrumental breaks and solos, etc. Progressing to what? A band can change, but there is a limit until its not so called "progmetal" IMO.
No to me, progressive metal is a traditional 5 piece band with guitars, vocals, keyboards, bass, and drums. This "progressing" crap is getting to me. I'm not saying the band has to sound like "Images & Words", but to me it should maintain that basic sound. Several of my favorite bands, and I'm sure yours, have changed their style and gotten heavier with gruffier vocals and steered away from traditional prog metal. It's got nothing to to do with progressing their sound. I think you will understand more of what I'm saying when you hear the Spheric. I think if Dream Theater went and did another album like Awake and I&W, which I think they can still do, it would be amazing. Progmetal is odd time signatures, instrumental breaks and solos, etc. Progressing to what? A band can change, but there is a limit until its not so called "progmetal" IMO.

"No to me, progressive metal is a traditional 5 piece band with guitars, vocals, keyboards, bass, and drums. This "progressing" crap is getting to me."

You don't listen to progressive metal then. You listen to metal with guitars, vocals, keyboards, bass, and drums.

Being progressive means avoiding the traditional.
"No to me, progressive metal is a traditional 5 piece band with guitars, vocals, keyboards, bass, and drums. This "progressing" crap is getting to me."

You don't listen to progressive metal then. You listen to metal with guitars, vocals, keyboards, bass, and drums.

Being progressive means avoiding the traditional.

Since when? Last I checked progressive was intricate music with odd time signatures. It was never about having to REINVENT yourself. Thats something fans like YOU dubbed it.
Thank you DrumRman. This is what I was trying to say. You don't have to reinvent the wheel to be progmetal. Circus Maximus did not reinvent anything with the debut, they just made a amazing progmetal record. On their new one I don't want them to change anything. They don't have to reinvent themselves, just write intricate music with great instrumentation and I'm all over it. This heavy. reinventing shit is a trend and will end.
Since when? Last I checked progressive was intricate music with odd time signatures. It was never about having to REINVENT yourself. Thats something fans like YOU dubbed it.

You're missing the point as usual, so I'm not all that suprised.

You don't have to reinvent yourself on every album to be progressive but putting out the same album over and over again is the exact opposite of being progressive. Can it still be good? Yes. Is there any progression whatsoever? No. Necrophagist in intricate music and they are most certainly not progressive.

Kings X is not intricate at all, neither are bands like Wolverine or Communic or even Freak Kitchen but they are progressive.
I'm with DrumRman, a funy story, I remember when the Circus Maximus cd came out and he did'nt like it (as per a personal conversation) and then when we saw them at Prog Power seeing them live he was amazed and COMPLETELY sold. Point deviated but, CM is not at all original BUT one of the best bands around period. Great songs are great songs ...........PERIOD...........
Finally, a real prog metal album this year. Don't get me wrong the DT and the Symphony X are progressive, but not like this. This album is what I wish those bands still sounded like. The production is way better than Mental Torments and the music is great. Total true progmetal, the way it used to be. No screaming harsh vocals (SYMX), no metallicaesque vocals (DT), just striaghtforward proggy passages with heavy atmospheric keyboards and solos.

People do youself a favor and order this CD from Laser's Edge. It could very well be the best true progmetal album of the year along with the Suspyre, which I think is also great. Of course this year's got several other one's in the woodwork, namely Pagan's Mind, Adagio, and hopefully Circus Maximus.

Thanks for letting me rant.

The new Spheric Universe more of a prog metal album than the latest Dream Theater? Are you kidding me? You can like Spheric Universe more than Dream Theater but to say they are more prog than the last DT album is just wrong. Perhaps if your transalated their music to paper, you'd see more clearly :-)

The Michael
Two definitions, possibly?
progressive, the name of a genre characterized by intricate melodies and changing odd time signatures
progressive, a description given to any genre of music that pushes the previously-established boundaries of it's style.

Just like...
Pop, a title awarded to a band, regardless of genre, that has reached a high status of "popularity". By this definition, Iron Maiden is 'pop'.
Pop, a genre typically characterized by young singer/songwriter performers with upbeat tempos and repetitive bass rhythms.

We could also do this for the word "alternative"....

Now on that note, Spheric Universe Experience is an awesome band with great music? :rock: