Spinal Tap


Your Favorite Uncle
May 28, 2003
the bluegrass state
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Just had a new baby and the wife's at work so that left me on baby duty today. Kind of hard to fire up some Slayer while feeding a newborn so I opted for a movie, instead. After looking over some dvd's and not feeling moved, I dug out the VHS tapes. Lo and behold, the mighty SPINAL TAP!!!!!!! Hadn't seen that one in a while and I gotta say it is freakin' hilarious. Best part is when the replica of STONEHENGE is to come down during the song of the same name and it's only 18 inches rather than 18 feet and dwarves dance around it. I about lost it. ANYONE who hasn't seen this movie and is a rock fan needs to check this one out immediately.
tedvanfrehley said:
Just had a new baby and the wife's at work so that left me on baby duty today. Kind of hard to fire up some Slayer while feeding a newborn so I opted for a movie, instead. After looking over some dvd's and not feeling moved, I dug out the VHS tapes. Lo and behold, the mighty SPINAL TAP!!!!!!! Hadn't seen that one in a while and I gotta say it is freakin' hilarious. Best part is when the replica of STONEHENGE is to come down during the song of the same name and it's only 18 inches rather than 18 feet and dwarves dance around it. I about lost it. ANYONE who hasn't seen this movie and is a rock fan needs to check this one out immediately.

Congrats mr.dad :) That movie is a classik I love it Now remember when the babys away Crank it up to 11 :)
tedvanfrehley said:
You all are great people, indeed.

Johnny D, thanks for the congrats.........

"Why not just make 10 louder and turn it up to 10?"
silence and deep thought....
"these go to 11!"


No problem Bro. :)

I like the part when the Bass player gets trapped in that cacoon thing thats Hilarious Good movie :)
I think you have the remastered version TVF, in the old version they had at the end of the credits. An ad for the Spinal Tap record(a goof of course), but it featured Blackie Lawless of WASP... Does yours have this? It was funny at the time, I'm sure like with most things it didn't age well.....
You guys should check out the Special Edition on DVD. I just picked it up, and its the best 15 bucks I've ever spent. The entire audio commentary is done in character, and its fucking hillarious. Plus it has like an hour of deleted scenes which are geat, as well.

BTW, my favorite line from the movie: "Well there's a two word review here on your album Shark Sandwich: 'Shit Sandwich'" :lol: