I recently read a review of the SPLTransducer in an issue of Tape Op. Thing sounds pretty boner worthy. Anybody had a chance to screw around with one yet?
It's an analog speaker and microphone simulator. Looks really useful too. Sells for about $1350, so in a year or two if they drop down to like $800-1000, it might be something sweet to pick up to complement reamping sessions or whatever.
I recently read a review of the SPLTransducer in an issue of Tape Op. Thing sounds pretty boner worthy. Anybody had a chance to screw around with one yet?
It's an analog speaker and microphone simulator. Looks really useful too. Sells for about $1350, so in a year or two if they drop down to like $800-1000, it might be something sweet to pick up to complement reamping sessions or whatever.