IMO Not having splashes (or bells etc) limits the level of creativity in the drummer......
for non-pro drummers it's exactly the other way 'round...
rather hit 3 or 4 cymbals on purpose at the right time then cymbals of any kind all the time "just because".
same goes for toms, I hate those usual metal-drummers with 5 toms 10000 cymbals and no clue....
I think no drummer should use more then 2-3 toms and 3 cymbals until he really knows how (and when!!) to use it, then upgrade to more toms/cymbals....
fuck learn to hit the snare like a man before you try playing fills over 5 toms!
remember, that does not go for experienced drummers, a kit should have everything the drummer needs (and ONLY what he needs), If you know how/when to use it., fine, most drummers I gotta work with don't and in that case I rather limit the amount of toms and cymbals, especially if they're of the "annoying" kind (splash, china).
Did I mention I Hate 95% of all drummers and love and adore the rest? I really do!