Sponsorships for 2009?


Ken Luther
Mar 11, 2005
Valparaiso, IN
OK, I'll be the first one to ask .... Will there be opportunities for sponsorships in 2009? Because I, for one, will certainly pay lots of money just to be able to use the bathrooms in the VIP lounge instead of waiting in that huge line for the other men's room!!

Whoah... That line was for using the men's bathroom? I thought that Iced Earth and Testament were signing autographs everytime I walked past that crazy long line to take pics from the VIP balcony.

Yes. According to the Pearl Room's calculations, having 5 flushable receptacles for over 1500 guys is more than acceptable. One toilet for each 300 dudes is just fine, don't ya know??

(The 1500 guys is a guess, and yes I know there are ladies around, too! But with OVER 1500 tickets sold, I'm guessing that's at least 1500 guys out of the whole bunch.)

There's this one venue out here, can't remember the name, but it holds about 250-300 people, and has 1 toilet for each gender. Just 1. And it is always occupied, and there is always a line stretching around the venue. I've waited entire sets just to use this fucking toilet, and it is always grotesque... covered in substances unknown.

Although, I heard they upped it to 2 toilets for the men... if only they'd get a decent show now, haha.
There's this one venue out here, can't remember the name, but it holds about 250-300 people, and has 1 toilet for each gender. Just 1. And it is always occupied, and there is always a line stretching around the venue. I've waited entire sets just to use this fucking toilet, and it is always grotesque... covered in substances unknown.

I didn't know Nitecap sold franchises!! :lol:
Whoa, sounds like there was some TWO MEN ONE BUCKET action going on in that bathroom!

Good thing I went DURING Iced Earth as it was empty at the time.
When they opened the downstairs bathroom I felt like I was sneaking into a bank vault. It's at least twice the size of the upstairs one, yet they didn't let people in the bloody thing until halfway through the last day.


- R
When they opened the downstairs bathroom I felt like I was sneaking into a bank vault. It's at least twice the size of the upstairs one, yet they didn't let people in the bloody thing until halfway through the last day.


- R

Man that's bs. I can't really think of a logical reason for them doing that.
Nitecaps has two....there is a secret unisex bathroom on the other side of the pool table. Although the last time I was there the door didn't lock.
Ha Ha!

I said it in another thread but...
That's what's nice about being a Metal chick at a Metal show....we are totally in the minority.

very true...as of late there are more ladies there. Which is nice. Not even from a desperate single guy's point of view.