Spring Cleaning (CDs for Sale)


Dec 17, 2001
Keizer, OR
Well, it's that time of the year again and I've decided to shed some dead weight, figuratively speaking. All of these CDs are in like new/mint condition and have been played once or twice, a piece, at most. All the CDs are 100% authentic -- ABSOLUTELY NO CD-Rs, BOOTLEGS or DUBS. These are the real deal.

Also, since I have established myself as a reliable seller/trader here in the past, please don't ask for pictures of the CDs or comprehensive information on them. They're all 100% legitimate and I'm sure a number of the regulars here could easily vouch for my credibility. Thanks.

Each CD is NOW $7.50. S&H is $2.50 for the first and 50 cents for each additional CD, thereafter. Pick 5 or more CDs and I will include S&H free of charge. I will ONLY ship within the continental USofA. Money orders AND Paypal are the only accepted form of payment - absolutely NO CASH and NO REGULAR CHECKS. If you're going to use Paypal, I'm going to request that you have the funds directly in your Paypal account and you're not using a credit or debit card through Paypal.

Here's what I have:

Abigor - Nachthymnen (from the Twilight Kingdom)/Orkblut - The Retaliation (2-in-1)
AC/DC - High Voltage
AC/DC - Highway to Hell
Accept - Restless and Wild
Accept - Balls to the Wall
Aghora - Aghora
Alice in Chains - Jar of Flies
G.G. Allin - Always Was, is and Always Shall Be
Amebix - Arise +2
Amorphis - The Karelian Isthmus
Angel Witch - Angel Witch
Anthrax - Spreading the Disease
Anthrax - Persistence of Time
Anvil - Forged in Fire
Arghoslent - Incorrigible Bigotry
Armored Saint - March of the Saint
Armored Saint - Symbol of Salvation
At the Gates - At the Gates/Grotesque
Averse Sefira - Tetragrammatical Astygmata
Bang - Mother/Bow to the King
Barathrum - Hailstorm/Eerie (2-in-1)
Bathory - Under the Sign of the Black Mark
Behemoth - Sventevith (Storming Near the Baltic)
Black Sabbath - Black Sabbath
Black Sabbath - Paranoid
Black Sabbath - Master of Reality
Black Sabbath - Vol. 4
Black Sabbath - Sabbath Bloody Sabbath
Black Sabbath - Sabotage
Black Sabbath - Heaven and Hell
Black Sabbath - Mob Rules
Black Sabbath - The Eternal Idol
Blind Guardian - Battalions of Fear
Blue Oyster Cult - Tyranny and Mutation
Blue Oyster Cult - Secret Treaties
Blut Aus Nord - Ultima Thulee
Brocas Helm - Defender of the Crown
Captain Beyond - Captain Beyond
Carcass - Reek of Putrefaction
Carnivore - Retaliation
Chasm, The - Conjuration of the Spectral Empire
Chemikiller - Evilspeak
Cirith Ungol - King of the Dead
Cirith Ungol - One Foot in Hell
Confessor - Unraveled
Cooper, Alice - Love it to Death
Cooper, Alice - Killer
Cooper, Alice - Raise Your Fist and Yell
Coroner - R.I.P.
Coroner - Punishment for Decadence
Crimson Glory - Transcendence
Crimson Massacre - The Luster of Pandemonium
Danzig - II: Lucifuge
Danzig - III: How the Gods Kill
Danzig - Thrall - Demonsweatlive
Darkness - Death Squad
Darkthrone - Soulside Journey
Darkthrone - Under a Funeral Moon
Darkthrone - Transilvanian Hunger
Dark Angel - Darkness Descends
Dark Tranquillity - Skydancer/Of Chaos and Eternal Night
Dark Tribe - Geboren an den Ufern des Wahnsinns
Dead Kennedys - Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables
Death - Leprosy
Death Beast - The Wakening
Death Cult - Ghost Dance
Deceased - As the Weird Travel On
Deep Purple - Made in Japan
Deep Purple - Burn
Def Leppard - High 'N' Dry
Destroyer 666 - Violence is the Prince of This World
Destroyer 666 - Unchain the Wolves
Destruction - Release from Agony
Detente - Recognize No Authority
Diamond Head - Lightning to the Nations
Diamond, King - Them/Conspiracy
Dickinson, Bruce - Accident of Birth
Dickinson, Bruce - The Chemical Wedding
Discharge - Hear Nothing See Nothing Say Nothing
Disincarnate - Dreams of the Carrion Kind
Doom - Total Doom
Earth - Hex (or Printing in the Infernal Method)
Enslaved - Vikingligr Veldi
Esoteric - The Pernicious Enigma
Exciter - Heavy Metal Maniac
Faith No More - Introduce Yourself
Faustcoven - The Halo of Burning Wings
Forbidden - Twisted Into Form
Funebre - Children of the Scorn
Gallhammer - Gloomy Lights
Gathering, The - Mandylion
Godflesh - Streetcleaner
Gorguts - Considered Dead/The Erosion of Sanity
Gorguts - Obscura
Gorefest - False/Erase
Guns 'N Roses - Appetite for Destruction
Hellhammer - Apocalyptic Raids
Helloween - The Walls of Jericho
Helmet - Strap it On
Helstar - Nosferatu
Hirax - The New Age of Terror
Iced Earth - Night of the Stormrider
Immolation - Close to a World Below
Immortal - Pure Holocaust
Impetigo - Ultimo Mondo Cannibale
Incantation - Onward to Golgotha
Iron Maiden - Iron Maiden
Iron Maiden - Killers
Jesu - Jesu
Jesu - Silver
Jesu - Conqueror
Judas Iscariot - The Cold Earth Slept Below
Judas Iscariot - Heaven in Flames
Judas Priest - Sin After Sin
Judas Priest - Sad Wings of Destiny
Judas Priest - Unleashed in the East
Khanate - Khanate
Killing Joke - Extremities, Dirt and Various Repressed Emotions
Kiss - Hotter than Hell
Kiss - Alive!
Kiss - Ace Frehley
Kiss - Creatures of the Night
Kreator - Pleasure to Kill
Krieg - Destruction Ritual
Laaz Rockit - Know Your Enemy
Last Crack - Burning Time
Lord Weird Slough Feg, The - Down Among the Deadmen
Lord Weird Slough Feg, The - Traveller
Luftwaffe Raid - Paradox
Manilla Road - Crystal Logic
Manilla Road - Gates of Fire
Manowar - Battle Hymns
Manowar - Into Glory Ride
Manowar - Hail to England
Marduk - Fuck Me Jesus
Massacra - Final Holocaust
Mayhem - Live in Leipzig
Megadeth - Peace Sells...But Who's Buying
Megiddo - The Devil and the Whore
Mercyful Fate - Melissa/The Beginning (2-in-1)
Mercyful Fate - Don't Break the Oath
Metal Church - Metal Church
Metal Church - The Dark
Metal Church - Blessing in Disguise
Metal Church - Hanging in the Balance
Ministry - Twitch
Ministry - In Case You Didn't Feel Like Showing Up (live)
Ministry - Filth Pig
Misantropical Painforest - Winds Saturate with Inhumane Longing
Misfits - Walk Among Us
Mortiis - Født til å Herske
Mortiis - Ånden Som Gjorde Opprør
Motley Crue - Shout at the Devil
Motorhead - No Sleep 'Til Hammersmith
Motorhead - Another Perfect Day
Nagaroth - Black Metal Ist Krieg
Nasty Savage - Nasty Savage
Necro Schizma - Erupted Evil
Neurosis - Pain of Mind
Neurosis - Enemy of the Sun
Nocturnus - The Key
Nokturnal Mortum - NeChrist
Nuclear Assault - Game Over/The Plague (2-in-1)
Obituary - Slowly We Rot/Cause of Death (2-in-1)
Omen - Battle Cry
Onslaught - The Force
Overlorde - Return of the Snow Giant
Overkill - Feel the Fire
Overkill - The Years of Decay
Pagan Altar - Volume 1
Pagan Altar - Lords of Hypocrisy
Penance - Proving Ground
Pentacle - Under the Black Cross
Pentagram - Relentless
Pentagram - Day of Reckoning
Pentagram - Be Forewarned
Pentagram - First Daze Here: The Vintage Collection
Poison Idea - Pick Your King
Possessed - Seven Churches
Quartz - Stand Up and Fight
Queensryche - Queensryche EP
Raven - Rock Until You Drop
Razor - Violent Restitution
Rehtaf Ruo - Boiled in Goat Blood
Repulsion - Horrified
Reverend Bizarre - In the Rectory of the Bizarre Reverend
Reverend Bizarre - Harbinger of Metal
Rigor Mortis - Rigor Mortis
Riot - Fire Down Under
Rollins Band - Life Time
Rotting Christ - Thy Mighty Contract
Running Wild - Gates to Purgatory
Sabbat - Karmagmassacre
Sacramentum - Far Away from the Sun/Finis Malorum
Sacrifice - Forward to Termination
Samael - Blood Ritual/Worship Him (2-in-1)
Satan's Host - Metal from Hell
Savatage - Sirens
Savatage - Dungeons are Calling
Saxon - Denim and Leather
Scorpions - Tokyo Tapes
Sepultura - Schizophrenia
Sigh - Scorn Defeat
Skepticism - Stormcrowfleet
Skid Row - Slave to the Grind
Slayer - Show No Mercy
Sodom - In the Sign of Evil/Obsessed by Cruelty
Solitude Aeturnus - Into the Depths of Sorrow
Solitude Aeturnus - Beyond the Crimson Horizon
Solstice - Lamentations
Suicidal Tendencies - Suicidal Tendencies
Summoning - Nightshade Forests
Summoning - Dul Guldur
Summoning - Let Mortal Heroes Sing Your Fame
Sunn 0))) - Black One
Tearstained - Monumental in its Sorrow
Thee Plague of Gentlemen - Primula Pestis
Thergothon - Stream from the Heavens
Therion - Of Darkness...
Thin Lizzy - Johnny the Fox
Thin Lizzy - Jailbreak
Thin Lizzy - Live and Dangerous
Thought Industry - Songs for Insects
Tiamat - The Astral Sleep/In the Eyes of Death (2-in-1)
Toxic Holocaust - Evil Never Dies
Toxik - World Circus
Trouble - Trouble
Twisted Sister - Under the Blade
Type O Negative - Slow, Deep and Hard
Type O Negative - Bloody Kisses
Type O Negative - October Rust
Tyrant - Too Late to Pray
Urgehal - Through Thick Fog Till Death
Venom - Black Metal
Vinterriket - Winterschatten
Vinterriket - Der letzte Winter - Der Ewigkeit Entgegen
Vio-Lence - Eternal Nightmare
Vital Remains - Let Us Pray
Voivod - War and Pain
Vond - Selvmord
Vulcano - Bloody Vengeance
W.A.S.P. - W.A.S.P.
Watchtower - Energetic Disassembly
Whiplash - Power and Pain/Ticket to Mayhem
Witchcraft - Witchcraft
Wrathchild America - 3-D