SSD snare 10 problem

Increase the number of voices for the snare that'll solve it.

Maybe problem is that the kick is preffered and there is some global max of voices... but I can't find that global settings.

I think that because when I delete the kick drum, snare stops fading out...

Is that possible?
Any chance your computer is starting to take a shit in the middle of that? I know if your computer is struggling things like that can happen as well as not playing in time. Obviously there could be a ton of answers but that's one to definitely look into. Also I haven't had to tweak in a while and I can't look into my settings for you but there are options that you can change in Kontakt that will help performance. BTW I would go ahead and update to whatever is current if you havn't already as updates are put out for a reason. Generally to fix bugs etc. Like I said I don't know what's happening with your machine but those are some things to look into.
This happens to me as well when the ride is being played really fast, just starts to mute, this is with 3.5

this drives me nuts!!! it sounds like little transient ticks to me when it starts skipping. if anyone knows how to fix this i will love you forever
You have a comp on it? Turn the thresh down maybe? Also, if I have too many things running/not enough ram then the cymbals get cut.