SSD4 EX & Trigger EX


New Metal Member
Dec 20, 2013
In the description it says "Comes with Steven Slate Classic EX samples." Are these all of the same samples or does classic imply they are an older version? Besides the "platform" are there any differences between the two? Any thoughts or suggestions?

Classic = old
Deluxe = new

with ssd4 ex you'll get new samples + cymbals; trigger comes with old samples and 1 deluxe snare (if I'm not mistaken) and without cymbals, but you will be able to use lots of third party multi-layered samples.
Thanks for the replies guys. I also noticed that it was confusing. So is there no way to buy Trigger by itself or bundled with the new SSD4 samples? I already have Drumagog 5, as well as SSD3.5 Would you recommend the Trigger or SSD4 bundle? How does SSD3.5 compare to 4? Does Trigger really destroy Drumagog in terms or accurate triggering?