ssk Weekend Success

Oct 17, 2006
Thanks to all who helped make my first Soulseek weekend here both enjoyable & memorable. Got to know several of you very well and it pleases me to be part of such an honorable group. Had lots of fun & even learned about a few new artists.
Hats off to TSO, Delize, Hawk, Narco, carnut, and those I may have forgotten to mention (I sure don't want to omit anyone intentionally). It gave me great pleasure to be among you all & hope we can do it again sometime very soon.

Thanks to all... :kickass:
Was great to have you there PMR !! Although you only came here very recently you seem to blend in perefectly (except for the tin can connection:) :headbang:

Was a long weekend again, but fun all the way :)
Nearly sold my Volvo to TSO, but shipping costs were concidered to high.
We also sued each other for every reason possible, and Hawk
was away half the time chasing (and catchin' !!) butterflies :p
But most of all we swapped enough new stuff to keep us busy a while !!
Soulseek weekend 3 will be announced in a few months, but meanwhile you certainly can find me there a few times a week ...
PMR it was a pleasure to meet you. I feel like I have know you all my life :) And yeah, our ten cans gave us all kinds of trouble carnut. Hahaha! To everyone else who stayed until sleep took over, and to those who only had time for a short stay....thanks for a great weekend, I enjoyed it very much :)
Even if I wasn't here was definitively a success. Hawk fed me with three complete albums being one the new Riot! I'm dying to get it (I could have bought it at PPVII but wasn't ready to spend >$30).

Thanks Henri ;) :worship:
It was a great weekend indeed! I had an absolute blast chatting with all of you. UMOS has the best people! Getting new tunes to check out is really just icing on the cake. You people are the cake! :worship:

I stayed so long this weekend that I'm one dead dog tired, bleary eyed, sack of bones and flesh. I'm gonna watch a movie and call it an early night!

UMOS RULES!! :headbang:
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
I stayed so long this weekend that I'm one dead dog tired, bleary eyed, sack of bones and flesh. I'm gonna watch a movie and call it an early night!

UMOS RULES!! :headbang:

I'm still amped up & ready to go again. :Smokin:
I'm still there, in fact.
It was a fantastic experience meeting you all again. I want to reserve special kudo's to PMR after knowing him such a short time I consider him a friend already.

I had lots of fun with you all. TSO, always a pleasure meeting you and talking to you, my good buddy carnut, can't wait to go to KIT with you, Delize, you are a true lady, Narc, you rule man, and Wyvern, my brother in arms here on UMOS!

It shows and solidifies my conviction that this wonderful community is build on a specific vision that lives among its members and is kept alive by them.

And for that I am grateful to you all.
carnut said:
Was great to have you there PMR !! Although you only came here very recently you seem to blend in perefectly (except for the tin can connection:) :headbang:

Was a long weekend again, but fun all the way :)
Nearly sold my Volvo to TSO, but shipping costs were concidered to high.
We also sued each other for every reason possible, and Hawk
was away half the time chasing (and catchin' !!) butterflies :p
But most of all we swapped enough new stuff to keep us busy a while !!
Soulseek weekend 3 will be announced in a few months, but meanwhile you certainly can find me there a few times a week ...

Thanks Carnut... Thanks to all of you - I felt as if I'd been part of the gang for years. It's not easy being the new guy but you and the rest have really helped ease my apprehensions. Hawk's really got me thinkin' about trading in the tin cans for a real connection... It's bound to happen.)
Take care- PMR
delize said:
PMR it was a pleasure to meet you. I feel like I have know you all my life :) And yeah, our ten cans gave us all kinds of trouble carnut. Hahaha! To everyone else who stayed until sleep took over, and to those who only had time for a short stay....thanks for a great weekend, I enjoyed it very much :)

I second that !!!!:headbang:
BTW - I love your quote (As I may have mentioned before.)
Hawk said:
It was a fantastic experience meeting you all again. I want to reserve special kudo's to PMR after knowing him such a short time I consider him a friend already.

Ditto - for you as well, my friend. I'm gad we found to opportunity to to get acquainted.
Oh yes it was another great SS weekend!!! I am glad that I took a day off and spent it shooting the shit with the UMOS Gang! :headbang:

Hawk, Carnut, TSO, Wheez, PMR (tin can man!), Delize... You guys and gals are the greatest! How does TSO put it??? Goldplated Standards!!!

Now I have too much music to listen too... NOT!

I am always lurking around on SS... Say Hi if you get a chance!
It was a great weekend! Had a ton of fun. Wish I had been less busy and had more time to spend on SS but the stupid NFL had to schedule a home game for the Broncs! :heh: It was good "seeing" everyone on there. Let's do it again sometime soon. :kickass:
Hawk said:
It was a fantastic experience meeting you all again. I want to reserve special kudo's to PMR after knowing him such a short time I consider him a friend already.

I had lots of fun with you all. TSO, always a pleasure meeting you and talking to you, my good buddy carnut, can't wait to go to KIT with you, Delize, you are a true lady, Narc, you rule man, and Wyvern, my brother in arms here on UMOS!

It shows and solidifies my conviction that this wonderful community is build on a specific vision that lives among its members and is kept alive by them.

And for that I am grateful to you all.

Thanks Hawk :)
Powermetal Rebel said:
I second that !!!!:headbang:
BTW - I love your quote (As I may have mentioned before.)

You're more than welcome to use it too. I don't mind at all, and I'm sure Mark Twain won't mind :)
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
Vicious Rumos eh? I've not heard any of them. Maybe I'll try to catch you guys on SS some day soon so I can test it out.

Not familiar with the new VR or not familiar with VR at all? In either case, Warball is highly recommended for any fan of hi-octane classic metal. Of the old albums, check out at least Digital Dictator and Welcome To The Ball.