
Line Level Recordings

New Metal Member
Jun 29, 2009
i notice on my guitar tracks
they sound awesome

but on the tail of the high end ( 20 K) it holds a little hissy distorty tone. very subtle

its like using a shitty "distortion plug in" and you putting the drive all the way but the mix setting at 5 %
im not good at explaing stuff so i hope you understand what im trying to say

but im really frustrated
and i tried everything . . :(
i tried lowering the gain on the amp
i tried lowering the treble on the amp
i tried different settings on the pre amp . ..
i tried so many positions,
i tired an sm57 and an sm58

could it be bad converters ?
im using a firestudio project as an interface

please share your thoughts

thanks for your time:headbang:
cause im a fucking idiot...
and cause i cleaned up all the shitty takes ;)

ill put one up tomorrow
and hopefully there will still be someone interested enough to help me out

but on the top of your head , would you know what it could be ?
its a distorted sizzle ..very subtle.
If your problem area is seriously at 20k, it should be a non-issue since you don't need any frequencies that high represented in your mix anyhow. Definitely lowpass the guitars down to at least 12k or so.
... Fucking hell..
Use a low-pass filter, not your traditional notch type eq.
Set the thingy to 12khz
then turn it alllll the way down
it'll roll off smoothly like a little slope.
It'll sound fairly dark but you don't really need any information above it.

Edit: And if you'd have read ahjteam's post you would have seen that he specified "lowpass filter."
It does sound like you don't know what a low pass filter is Line Level Recordings
that is a little worrying (although fine if you use them you've just never known the terminology)

Slide it slowly so you cut more and more until you hear your tone change in a way you dont like and then
go back up a little bit.
It does sound like you don't know what a low pass filter is Line Level Recordings
that is a little worrying (although fine if you use them you've just never known the terminology)

now this comment
really got my attention

i do know what a lowpass filter is lol

i just dont use them often
im new to this
which is why i learn from some people worth learning from

like, the great people on this thread that explained to me how to use the lowpass filter without making me feel like i dont know anything

thanks guys:kickass:
i finally see the fault to my comment

i tried a lowpass filter
and it just cuts it off completely

i, can now see why when i said " how low" could have confused you or made me seem confused
sorry about that

thanks gareth
....but dude, how long are you going to use us as a crutch to hold your fucking hand throughout every 'problem' you have.

a little common sense goes a long way, seriously....


let's think.... how should we fix this.... well, first of all, I doubt it's at 20 fucking K because you'd never hear it if it was.

SOLUTION: Fucking cut the highs until you don't hear it anymore?

I mean, this is isn't CHEMISTRY for gods' sakes, it's going to take a little more creative intuition that you think, bro.

Hey Line Level....
after you had reported this thread I of course had to check it, cause I take these reports very seriously.
But I have to admit that I have no idea what you actually want me to do probably don't want to hear it, but I have to agree with this post actually
"LineLevelRecording"? You're running a business, actually charging people for sessions (your "studio's" Myspace site, and you know absolutely squat about recording? This isn't the first thread of this kind. There's nothing wrong with being new to recording. We all have to start somewhere. But trying to also portray yourself as knowledgeable and running a studio? Please. :Smug:

Also with what Sigmund said.

to elaborate a bit further (or actually repeat what greywolf said):
This is a forum for professionals and beginners alike, noone needs to be pro from the first time he throws a mic at something.
Almost everyone on this forum is really supportive and helps the "newbs", no matter how "beginner-level" the questions are.
In your case the problem is, that you are CHARGING MONEY for your work, that means you're selling a "professional" product, your questions show clearly, that you're at the VERY beginning of learning this craft and BY FAR not experienced enough to run a business....
as I said, that is nothing bad, there are a lot of hobbyists here, and noone has a problem with that...
but there are also some pros here. who have to make a living producing/recording bands....
and to be frank one of the biggest problems of this business are young kids with little knowledge and a cracked version of sx3 operating from their bedrooms.
everyone of the pros experiences the following situation at least 4 times a year:

Band asks for a engineer gives them the cheapest price (much below what the work is actually worth), band replies with "but the guitarist of my brother's band runs a studio and he does it for 1/10th of the price".

What follows is either explaining those bands what quality studiowork means and how much good gear costs, or just resignating and sending them to that "bedroom studio guy" (that's what I'm usually doing).

I'm not exaggerating when I say that these bedroom-"studios" are the BIGGEST plague of the production/engineering/recording-industry.

And again, it's all good if you don't have a lot of experience, gear or knowledge..and people will gladly help you out with pretty much every question...
In your case you're running a business and charging money, that means you're offering "pro work"...your questions clearly show that you're FAR from being a pro...hence the comments of greywolf and sigmund.

I cannot ban them for that, nor would I want it to do that, cause I can perfectly understand where they're coming from.

linelevelrecording said:
My advice would be:
be humble, learn the craft, improve your skills, GET THE BASICS COVERED...
but don't pretend to be a pro engineer/don't charge money/don't offer pro studiowork, when you're NOT a pro.
cause noone will like that over here, as I said above...THAT exactly is the biggest problem of this industry...if you wanna be a part of this industry fight this problem, dont be a part of the problem.

so much for the explanation from my side.......I totally agree with metalages, threads can just be ignored, and no need to insult anyone (don't really see anyone having done that in this thread though)....