St Anger Opinions


New Metal Member
May 29, 2003
moline, illinois
ive listened to the cd a couple times so far and these are my initial opinions, and we all know their first 3 cds are the best, so lets just not compare everything to them because then everything else will not look as good!

i would say that the main points are that it is their heaviest cd ever, not fastest or best, but heaviest.

also i dont know what drum lars has acquired, but its in about every song and it gives them a slipknot feel to it because it sounds like an oil can or something being drummed on, not that thats bad, but i think its a lil bit overused.

i think its kinda not a good thing that this cd has swearing in it, when metallica has never done that b4 with their studio cds, except for aint my bitch and thats nothing compared to some words on this cd.

then in whichever song that has the lyrics from damage inc in it, with f*ck it all and f*cking no regrets, and then hit the lights - i think thats in st anger (the song) ; i dont know if its good to reuse lyrics like that from past cd's, but probably not.

the final thing is i wish there woulda been solo's or at least some extended group playing, it seems like james is singing just about constantly.

anyway i would say this cd is much better than load and reload and possibly better than the metallica cd (black cd) and actually i think it might have the chance to be better than a couple songs off ...and justice for all. but maybe not. but i think frantic is a good first single, if that is the single. also the cd was 10 bucks, and u get a dvd with it, and access to that live vault on the net, so it seems to be a pretty good buy to me.
I am with you on this one....their best album SINCE Kill/Ride/Master/Justice. I also notice a disturbingly "slipknot-ish" sound. Even the guitar tone sounds like slipknot. I don't know if that was intentional or not....I got it for $11.99, which, like you said, ain't bad for a cd and a dvd in one package....Overall I give it an 8 or a 9 but would have been a 10 if only there were some GUITAR SOLOS!!!!!!!! Where are the solos?!?!?!?!?! Is Kirk Hammett not one of the best guitarists since Edward VH? I think so...I kept thinking, "well, maybe the NEXT song will have a solo", but nothing. Imagine buying a VH album only find it filled with rhythm guitar. I'm being a complete geek here but it's just my opinion. And opinions are like a$$holes, you know...everybody has one!
You guys have to see this...

METALLICA To Debut At No. 1 On Next Week's Chart! - June 5, 2003 Initial reports from retailers around the country confirmed that METALLICA's "St. Anger" will debut at No. 1 on next week's chart, besting JEWEL, who'll bow at No. 2, according to Hits Daily Double.

Best Buy's Lon Lindeland, who began selling the disc Wednesday (June 4), one day ahead of the official release date, said he received a letter from WEA telling him to put the stock out on the shelves as soon as he received it, though refused to predict overall numbers. "The goods are out there," he said. "Some people have suggested the same amount of sales would simply be stretched out over a longer period of time. I believe there will be incremental sales, having it out for 10 days rather than five. It feels like one of the biggest rock records of the year."

Wherehouse Music's Bob Bell says it's still hard to gauge what first-week sales on METALLICA will be, but added: "I think it's going to be huge. If there's such a thing as a sure bet these days, it's METALLICA. With today being the official street date, we'll know better by tomorrow morning."
They probably made the price really cheap in an attempt to sell more
records. It's a trick that's been used may times before, mostly for
singles, putting it on sale to drive it up the charts. As many records as
they do sell, Metallica's sales have been down significantly since the black album.

As far as the record itself goes, I think it's really sad sounding. They
sound like they're trying so hard to go back to being a metal band without losing radio and MTV completely. As far as the production goes, it's obvious that they tried to go for a raw/live feel. Only it's not either. It's the former producer of Motley Crue and Bon Jovi trying to be raw. My favorite Metallica production is Garage Days, now that's raw. It's a beautiful way for a band to sound...

Also, I think Lars reached a new low. I always thought he was a shitty drummer, except for some brief moments, Master and Justice, but on this record his playing is utterly boring and uninspired.

At least you can't hear Bob Rock's bad bass playing...
Well, I am very mixed on this album. Some of the songs I really like and some riffs and vocals I keep repeating, but the drums are the most pitiful things I have ever heard. It sounds like a 13 year old kid running wild on a bunch of empty tomato cans. And no soloing!?!?! What is this? How can it be called Thrash Metal...or METAL without solo's? It has it's good and bad points, but I do believe, especially with the bonus DVD that it is a good buy. The album is at least a step in the right direction.
After repeated listens, I must say that overall the record "isn't that bad" with the exception of "Invisible Kid." That song really has me hitting the skip button of any disc player. It's a little disappointing that there are no solos on there. And at times I must admit that their NUSound has Metallica sounding like Korn or Slipsnot. I think, if you can get passed the horrific sound of the drums & lack of any bass this is a fairly "good" record. I would like to find out what they used as a reference source for the drum & bass tracks? You'd figure they use that drum sound for a track or two, but the whole record? That's just unbelieveable!
Anything else we should get past to enjoy this "good" record?

Snap out of it people!!! Lets be honest for one time can we? This album is TERRIBLE!!!! Stop trying to fool yourselves with the "step in a right direction" approach. This is METALLICA we are talking about. The same band that put out such classics as Kill Em' All, Ride The Lightning, Master Of Puppets and even And Justice For All. Don't give them a pass for this lame rock album. They should be held accountable for releasing such trash. I think that everyone is just so happy that this is not the Load/Reload sound and are trying hard as else to find something positive. Truth is this album would not sell 10,000 copies if Metallica's name was not slapped on it!!!
SergeantD1 said:
Anything else we should get past to enjoy this "good" record?

Snap out of it people!!! Lets be honest for one time can we? This album is TERRIBLE!!!! Stop trying to fool yourselves with the "step in a right direction" approach. This is METALLICA we are talking about. The same band that put out such classics as Kill Em' All, Ride The Lightning, Master Of Puppets and even And Justice For All. Don't give them a pass for this lame rock album. They should be held accountable for releasing such trash. I think that everyone is just so happy that this is not the Load/Reload sound and are trying hard as else to find something positive. Truth is this album would not sell 10,000 copies if Metallica's name was not slapped on it!!!

Listen, if you'd like to live in the "past" go right ahead. The "reality" is that they aren't the same band that they were back in the day. In fact no band is. If you don't want to buy the record, that's fine. I'm sure it won't hurt sales any. They should be "held accountable" for the record?
You make it sound like they've raped some adolescent girls & boys or something?! That's something that someone should be held accountable for. Music? Don't be rediculous! The truth is "the Fans" will decide.
Remember when Van HAlen released VHIII, the thing barely sold 500,000 copies. I think this will surpass that & probably sell a couple million. Again, this will not be looked as a classic album ten years from now. It will be looked as an experimental disc, nothing more nothing less.
The drums sound like shit. The guitars are to thin. The songs are pretty kool. They've nailed the groove they were trying to accomplish on the load, reload albums. The dvd sounds way better than the album. I'd say it's their best release since ...And Justice but I wish they made it sound better. I wouldn't rush out and bye it though. I'll wait till it's in the throw out bin. I was expecting alot more.
inopethflames said:
i think its kinda not a good thing that this cd has swearing in it, when metallica has never done that b4 with their studio cds, except for aint my bitch and thats nothing compared to some words on this cd.
Kill 'em All - "Whiplash": "There is a feeling deep inside that drives you fucking mad"
... "Now's the time to let it rip, to let it fucking loose"
Master of Puppets - "Damage, Inc.": "Slamming through, don't fuck with razorback"
... "Fuck it all and fucking no regrets" (same line as in "St. Anger")
...And Justice for All - "Dyers Eve": "I've outgrown that fucking lullaby"

And that's just for "fuck"...Metallica never had a ton of swearing, but it certainly was there.
I heard some of the songs from that album. Sounds like half-assed aggression, heh. Why can't everyone just shut up about Metallica?
MURAI said:
I heard some of the songs from that album. Sounds like half-assed aggression, heh. Why can't everyone just shut up about Metallica?

Why? I mean, no matter what they do they will always be talked about & will always be the topic of Metal boards like this. I think it's a love hate type thing. Anyway, Metallica will be the only band that WAS once a Thrash band that will make it into the Rock N Roll Hall of fame, they have influence a lot of bands in the Rock, Hard Rock, NuMetal & Tharsh/Speed Metal genres. They were once the pioneers & regardless of what you think of them now, you can't deny it. Murai, my friend you seem to be into Sepultura. Without the mighty Metalliac there would have been no Sepultura. :p
You got me there. Metallica did have a big impact bringing Thrash Metal to the mainstream and contributing to heavy metal along with Slayer. Metallica probably did have a big influence on Sepultura but they're not the only influence. They're influeced heavily from Slayer and Death too. By the way, I'll choose Sepultura (old & new) over Metallica anyday. Who agrees with me?
MURAI said:
You got me there. Metallica did have a big impact bringing Thrash Metal to the mainstream and contributing to heavy metal along with Slayer. Metallica probably did have a big influence on Sepultura but they're not the only influence. They're influeced heavily from Slayer and Death too. By the way, I'll choose Sepultura (old & new) over Metallica anyday. Who agrees with me?

Well, I happen to think that Chaos A.D., Beneath & Arise are killer records, so I can't knock 'Em.:p
I like it, its heavy and sometimes fast and still has some cool melodies and hooks. No solos is a big dissapointment but moving past that i think its a good album. Sure the old stuff is a whole lot better, but this album holds up pretty damn well when compared to similar metal thats around now.
MURAI said:
You got me there. Metallica did have a big impact bringing Thrash Metal to the mainstream and contributing to heavy metal along with Slayer. Metallica probably did have a big influence on Sepultura but they're not the only influence. They're influeced heavily from Slayer and Death too. By the way, I'll choose Sepultura (old & new) over Metallica anyday. Who agrees with me?
Well i sure as hell don't heh

Sepultura has done some cool stuff but i really can't stand Max's voice, and even if i did like his voice i would choose Metallica anyday.
AceRoccola said:
I like it, its heavy and sometimes fast and still has some cool melodies and hooks. No solos is a big dissapointment but moving past that i think its a good album. Sure the old stuff is a whole lot better, but this album holds up pretty damn well when compared to similar metal thats around now.
