Stack HG


Mar 21, 2010
New York

Powerful stuff, and tastes, well, tolerable, which is far more than I could've hoped for a 24 proof beer :lol: Just what I needed after a 7 hour shift at Radio Shack :kickass: And at least it's just malt liquor, not some fruity sugar-laden nonsense! Any other potent beer recommendations?

PS Apologies to Jind for how much beer like this must offend his principles :D
I dig a little Pit Bull when it comes to 12-point. Most of the time I like it less strong, going cheap I'm usually drinking SidePocket. The 8.5 Sidepocket. After 8, it just gets too spicy for everyday consumption.

Also, Earthquake does the job. But if you want to really roll around grabbing the earth, try a Four Loko.
I like the classic 5-6% beer, the TRUE beer...

Death To False Beer!

No, seriously, that beer looks good! I like every fucking beer except Guinnes that once I puked after drinking some few :puke:... and since then I hate it. Lasse called me "girl" for that on facebook.
PS Apologies to Jind for how much beer like this must offend his principles :D

I'll simply point to one of my favorite beer sites and it's rating for this abomination :)

Some selective quotes from the various reviews:

It's like shitty moonshine mixed with battery acid and cut with club soda. Or more likely an abortion of an energy drink topped off with grain alcohol.

A sweet, nasty shot dropped into the most yuck-filled pint of domestic swill ever.

I took a swig. Wow. Absolutely wretched. Taste gave me deja-vu of my wife removing finger nail polish. Straight acetone. Nasty. Like heating Elmer's Glue to triple point and taking a drink. Only it was cold.

Need I quote more?

I like the classic 5-6% beer, the TRUE beer...

Death To False Beer!

No, seriously, that beer looks good! I like every fucking beer except Guinnes that once I puked after drinking some few :puke:... and since then I hate it. Lasse called me "girl" for that on facebook.

I don't like Guinness as well :D

I love K, super strength cider hehe.
Last time I drank a whole can of HG, I was barfing my guts up and was out for the count. Usually when I drink and get sick I am better afterwards and will have another one, not that time though.

Shit tastes like stale old beer and leaves you with a not so decent buzz. I'll take 5-6% beer any day of the week over anything else.
+7% alcohol is disgusting in beer and cider. To much alcohol taste for my taste :D

I do like Red Stripe which is only around 4.7%, but I can drink shitloads of K without feeling sick and thats 8.7% :D I love it haha

Actually, the one time every decade I actually drink cider I prefer the stronger stuff. Otherwise it's just to damn sweet.

I enjoy less powerful ciders, they actually taste pretty good, but super strength is the way to go, especially when your on a ultra low budget like me :mad:
Love beer. Usually go for "cheaper" stuff like Busch or Lionshead (local brew). Once in a while splurge on a case of Heinekin or something.

Last 24 Oz. cans I had were Labbatt Ice.....had like 2 of them and was buzzing good. Nasty tasting shit though.

This is only 8%, but I usually just toss in a shot of scotch and BAM. Instant life-decrapper. Gotta try some HG though, that looks great.
My favorite brewery makes several higher ABV beers quite regularly (in the 8+ range) and most of them are quite good, several specialty IPA's, they just had a several great Barleywines at 10% ABV, there 08,09,2010 vintages. They also have a wonderful double IPA titled "Double Black EYE-PA" at 8.2% - there are some really good higher ABV beers out there, full of flavor, but very few of them are mass produced.

One of the higher ABV mass produced beers that I do like is the old classic Duvel Belgian Golden Ale at 8% ABV - I love that stuff and drink it on most holidays instead of wine or champagne.