Stage names ... they are gay


Active Member
Sep 27, 2002
Why oh why?
They are so corny ... they are ok if you are 16 and start a band, but when you are established already???

Who started it all?
I remember Venom as one of the first with the cheesy ones ... they sounded cool and still somewhat do ... for Venom. Bit then every wannabe "evil" band had them.

Even Negura Bunget ... I'll be the first to say it ... Negru, Hippopotamus's Disciple? ... come on :lol:

what's your take on this?
well that incorporates his first name ... so that one is cool.
I am more talking about the completely assinine ones.
I think the originals wheren't that bad either for some reason...


they just seem less corny because they where the originators I guess.
Necronudist made me grin a few seconds, until I heard the actual music (which band was it? :err: )

Otherwise, can't say I care. Whatever floats your boat, I guess. Now you're free to find it gay to have a stage name, why shouldn't you? My experience of boards teaches me that, in a way or another, we're all someone else's gay.

According to some I'm gay for voting Agalloch over Bathory, on another board I'm gay for liking my beer mixed with coke (only once in a while mind you).

As a matter of fact I think people who display a raven as their avatar are lost to heterosexuality. See? Such a subjective matter, gayness.
Ellestin said:
As a matter of fact I think people who display a raven as their avatar are lost to heterosexuality. See? Such a subjective matter, gayness.
:lol: Although I do feel compelled to defend the Royal Raven dammit!!! :loco:
Marksveld said:
I refered to myself as "Marksveld" in Noltem. Three weeks later, I stopped.

I can't imagine calling myself Ayeka in a band :erk:

Stagenames are cool when they' :D like Ace Frehley! I don't think I even spelt it right! :loco:
I think the original Stage names were what kiss called them selves. Or surnames I guess.

The Starchild
The Spaceman
The Demon
The Cat

oh and yes Lost Horizon has the wierdest but yes they rule.
Festus Clamrod and the El Sobrante Twangers
Buck Naked and the Bare Bottom Boys
Carlo Von Sexron
Blaps Warmonger
Cybord Slut
Human Hating War Machine
Psychdroid Shitfux

^ All from local band here in NZ called Backyard Burial.

Funily enough theire music is pretty good. :)
hehe. I had the stage name of Cyril B. Palsy in my first ever band (Chainsaw Enema).

We did a demo called "More Thrash Than a Spastic in a Swimming Pool" and virtually every song was, in some way, about having a poo. At 15, that's pretty much all I knew about...