STAIND frontman Aaron Lewis, who is widely considered to be one of the most politically conservative musicians in rock, has released a new single, "Folded Flag", across digital retailers. A patriot through and through, Lewis has spent much of his career honoring those who sacrifice their lives every day to protect our nation and the new music is just a small reminder of that mentality. "In today's world, the ultimate sacrifice that our servicemen and women give selflessly in protection of the American Dream is often overlooked," stated Lewis. "The first time I heard this song, I watched three battle-hardened special forces soldiers cry after hearing it. I knew it hit home and I knew it deserved to be heard." Written by Marty Morgan, Luc Nyhus and Yasmine Van Wilt and produced by Ben Kitterman, this is a perfect addition to Lewis's catalog of raw tunes that hit close to the heart. It is hard to miss importance of the sentiment as he sings lyrics like "Two men with starch white gloves / Fold the colors till they touch / It's probably more than I deserve / But I'm proud to get this much / Sendin' all the love I ever had / Inside this folded flag." Fans who have been to his shows in the past know that Lewis opens every performance with a rendition of the The Pledge Of Allegiance. His passion for the strong tradition is something loyal concert-goers have come to expect from the country rocker. Lewis described himself in a recent interview as a fiscally conservative, socially libertarian, constitutionally driven patriot. "Freedom means freedom," he said. "Get out of my business." He added that he wanted "capitalism with a conscience" and after backing Senator Ted Cruz, Trump's closest competitor in the Republican nomination race, in the Massachusetts primary, he "proudly jumped into the basket of deplorables and voted for Trump." The STAIND frontman had been a staunch critic of President Barack Obama, telling a crowd at one of his solo concerts last year: "For the last eight years, I thought our country was going fucking crazy. Barack Obama should have been impeached a long fucking time ago. Every fucking decision he makes is against the Constitution, it's against what's good for our fucking country, and he is truly the worst fucking president that we have ever had in the history of this fucking country. And a hundred years from now, our fucking grandkids will be looking back at this, going, 'What the fuck was going on?' I truly believe that he was elected over three hundred years of guilt… because he is the least qualified, most inept, completely useless president we have ever fucking had." Lewis told Billboard last year that he would support Trump in the U.S. presidential race, even though he was "disappointed" by the real estate mogul "with the bickering and the name-calling."
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