Star Trek Discovery breakdown

The Butt

The true error to be corrected.
Sep 10, 2007
The void.
Saw the two-episode premiere on Sunday.

  • Story is interesting.
  • Script is good, characters are engaging.
  • CGI is amazing. Absolutely breathtaking.

  • The visual continuity is all wrong; Klingons in the 2250s simply DO NOT have ridged foreheads. The uniforms suck shit (they don't line up with the uniforms of the pilot episode of The Original Series, set in the same general timeframe, also it is nearly impossible to determine department color due to the design).
  • Lens flare and spastic camera movement that has been plaguing and ruining cinema/TV for the past ten years.
Tl;dr: Discovery is decent, but could have been executed better.
Saw the two-episode premiere on Sunday.

  • Story is interesting.
  • Script is good, characters are engaging.
  • CGI is amazing. Absolutely breathtaking.

  • The visual continuity is all wrong; Klingons in the 2250s simply DO NOT have ridged foreheads. The uniforms suck shit (they don't line up with the uniforms of the pilot episode of The Original Series, set in the same general timeframe, also it is nearly impossible to determine department color due to the design).
  • Lens flare and spastic camera movement that has been plaguing and ruining cinema/TV for the past ten years.
Tl;dr: Discovery is decent, but could have been executed better.

Is there a place to watch Ep 1 for free? I didn't see it on Sunday and I've heard mixed reviews.
Some of the CGI is pretty good, for TV. Some of it not so much. I don't care about continuity so much but the uniforms are a bit lame. Some of the dialogue sucks. Some of the acting sucks (unfortunately that includes that woman from TWD, given that they seem to be going towards focusing more on her specifically than was the case with the main characters from previous series). I always skip them anyway but the intro sequence doesn't really fit Star Trek. Still bugs me how often klingons manage to get beaten by humans. They've gotta be at least as strong as a very strong man and they've spent their entire lives fighting. It's silly enough when when some average sized male science officer beats them but when you've got little women it stretches it a bit far.

It's a shame that the books in The Expanse series get so hit and miss given that Sci Fi (or whoever it is) have decided that it's okay to put in more of the 'adult content'.
The acting was a bit dry but I thought the dialogue and storyline was great. The acting will improve when the actors get more comfortable with it.

I mean, look at the first few episodes of TNG. Dry, dry, dry.

Is there a place to watch Ep 1 for free? I didn't see it on Sunday and I've heard mixed reviews.
I saw yesterday it was on putlocker. Ep 2 should be up there also.
The acting might improve on the second series but we'll still have to deal with the shitty acting throughout most of the first. The science officer seemed about the best which is kinda impressive given the makeup.

I really don't see how you could think the dialogue was great. It ranged from passable to fucking terrible (the captain and commander talking on the desert planet was the worst).

I think it'll probably turn out okay, maybe by the 2nd or 3rd season but at the moment it is, at best, promising.
I mean I'm not big on Michael Burnham as a character, but Georgiou was an amazing captain, and the Klingons (despite the shitty ridged foreheads) had some pretty rich, engaging things to say. The back-and-forth between the admiral and T'Kuvma was mint.
I was talking with my girlfriend ( at the time, now ex ) in a café and she told me that she is a Vegan. she then said ` do you know what a Vegan is? ` and I replied, `of course I do, I never miss an episode of Star-Trek`.
Everyone I see regards it as DIS.

I mean, you don't see people referring to TNG as STT, or VOY as STV.
I bet people will complain about the third episode being darker than a Star Trek series should be, ignoring that DS9 spent a lot of time on things like war and genocide.