Star Wars Trivia


Old as Yoda
Jan 11, 2005
After reading some of the posts on "What does your forum name mean" Pellaz and TychoCelchu, I thought maybe some obsure Star Wars Trivia is in order. So give it yur best shot.
First question:

Who did Wedge Antillies marry?
Got me there! I did not know. (I looked it up, but I'm not going to write it here in case someone actually does know without looking it up). The character I first thought it was, was incorrect.
This next question is a really obsure question but there maybe some people that know the answer:

Who is the adopted brother of Princess Leia?

Okay this is not a really fair question, unless you have read the original book "Star Wars- A New Hope" by Alan Dean Foster
Answer: Wedge Antilles, Wedge was orphaned at about the same time as Leia, and Luke, and he was adopted by Senator Organa and his wife.
There was alot that was written out of the original book, but then again what movie doesn't have little subtle things written out.

Okay next Question:

Denis Lawson, the actor who plays Wedge Antilles, is related to which other Star Wars actor?
Correct, Denis Lawson is Ewan Mcgregor's uncle.

Next Question:

Red Six was called "Porkins", what was his real name?