
May 9, 2003
I was just wondering if anyone here has heard this new s/t album yet? I have heard about it coming out for a couple months now and it is now out but I am a little weary about purchasing it. This is the new band/project lead by the singer of TNT (which I have never heard before). I think the drummer is from TNT as well but I do know that the two guitarists are from the swedish group Last Tribe. The only song I have heard is "Lies" which sounds pretty good. It is VERY melodic but I am afraid it will have a much more rock sound throughout the rest of the album than metal. If anyone who has heard this album yet could put in their opinions that would be great. Thanks!

p.s. This album is said to be one of the most talked about albums of the year and even one of the best releases this year.
This is a fantastic album. Personally, better than any TNT album. Great Harder edge AOR/melodic rock. Magnus is an awesome song writer. Like Turke said above, Last Tribe is very good also. Check out their new release.. Uncrowned...I believe is the title. The Starbreaker is a 9.5/10. Also has Ark/TNT drummer John Macaluso and Fabrizio Grossi (Vai bassist) Awesome stuff!!
Oh yeah I forgot the drummer was the one from Ark, I should have remembered that. Yeah, from what I have heard the album sounds great but I was just concerned if the album had a more rock edge than metal overall. I will probably end up getting this album but will wait and not rush to get it. I guess I could check out Last Tribe as well, I have heard about them a lot but never really taken the chance to check them out.
starbreaker sounds good but i don't hear what the hype's about.

last tribe sounded a lot cooler, and not because it was more "metal"... but because it sounded more unique and interesting