Started getting ideas down for the EP...


Dec 8, 2008
Decided to post up a rather long sample of one of the slower tracks.
Ive just been tracking rough quad tracking and over dubs, trying to get a feel for how each track could be played.

Im kinda aiming for the feel of progression and flow through the ep. Kinda like how the latest misery signals album "controller" flows from each song to the next. Yet with other tracks (this one is defiantly the slowest "Softest" of the lot) i hope to keep a sharper thrash feel to the sound too.

Any feedback would be really helpful as it'll be the first time ive been serious about getting my own stuff down and recorded properly.

Oh and if anyone would be up for helping out playing bass on some of these tracks that'd be awesome, as i cant really seem to get a great bass tone from the fretless bass i have laying about in my house haha :heh:

cheers for reading :headbang:
The first bit is really reminiscent of Oceano's Depths, with that rhythm and with the ambient guitar in the background. Maybe too reminiscent.. :/

And the ending chord progression is reminding me of something too, but I don't know what it is. I like it though.

And agreed, that bass is NOT suited to this music. Can't say I dig the drums, but the guitars sound good.
Morgan - I just had a listen to "depths" and i can tell what you mean by the intros being very alike, i'll have to re-think how it flows now, hmmm.

Any advice for how to improve the drums, as saying " i dont dig em" doesnt leave me with much to work with :p
Morgan - I just had a listen to "depths" and i can tell what you mean by the intros being very alike, i'll have to re-think how it flows now, hmmm.

Any advice for how to improve the drums, as saying " i dont dig em" doesnt leave me with much to work with :p

"I don't dig em", because they're Slate and Slate has never sounded real to me. I don't know how to change it because it seems to be the case in every single Slate clip I've heard. Sorry :/
Ah i see!

In a perfect world i'd be recording a real drummer but alas i do not have the space in my house, so slate will have to do for now :)

i'll post a new clip later tonight.