Starting a band


Dead or Dreaming?
Oct 16, 2007
Not sure if this is the right section, sorry in advance if it isn't.

But a friend of mine and I are starting a band, and he has 4 songs recorded on guitar with drums from his keyboard.

I'm currently recording drum parts to put in.

Ignore the myspace name haha, this is just a junk one for the songs at the moment.
The songs arent even named yet.

But I was wondering what you guys think of the 4 songs so far?
Advice? Feedback?

I REALLY like the part at :55 seconds in "Untitled".

Joey of Doom is a very gay name.

I like your stuff a lot. But you should do some more unique stuff, extreme lo-fi black metal. Everybody who shows me their band page is thrash or metalcore or power metal. Some of ya'll on here must be in some more extreme bands. And I don't mean extreme as in heavy, just as in very uncommercial. To anybody reading this, gimme your myspace if you're in a band like that.

Anyway, to the thread starter... Great stuff but definetly needs some vocals. And the drums could stand to kick a lot more ass. But the guitar parts are excellent.
Thank you all, yeah I am planning to write lyrics and record vocals as well.

I have the drum parts recorded, he's gonna re-record the guitar over it.
They are much better than his keyboard drums haha.

But when I do I will update this.