Starting a new band...


House of the Dead
Mar 27, 2004
Can anyone help me please, I'm gonna start a Death, maybe Melodic Death Metal band, Can anyone give me a few hints and tips on how to make a successful band, because all the other ones i've tried never seem to work out.
Any advice will be much appreicated.. I really want this to go well.
So far I have me on guitar, drummer and a bass player and a place to practice for a small fortune.
Also any tips on songwritting will be apreciated aswell.
Thank You Please. hehe :)
Song writing, you just need to make a kickass atmosphere... like lighting up some candels and wetting your face (its refreshing) then just think about a load of shit and stuf that pisses you off and start twidling... this always works for me.

I know what its like starting a new band, you just dont know how its gonna go. well I found that its impossible to get my material across, because I like complicated structure and while Im trying to explain people always get anxious and forget. Plus my old band had terrible musicians in it, so stuff din't work out. Im sure if you can communicate well with these guys and they are all knowledgable of music things should be fine. your lucky really, Im looking for a drummer,bassist and second guitarist to form a melodic death metal band too. I have a vocalist but he cant play any instruments. Like minded musicians are few and far between these days :cry: oh well.
Ok, thanks for your info dude.
But did it feel like your other band members couldnt comare to your skill or keep up with your playing, maybe because they dont practice enough or whateva (or girlfriends get in the way) and you find yourself having to dumb down your playing??
or is that just me. I mean i dont want to be all pushy and be a control freak in the band by saying oh this is how the songs gonna go. but when your other band members dont have enough musical knoledge to put a song together. you end up getting stuck!
Tis true... tis true. I just shreaded over simple rhythms :Smokedev: But yeah we did get stuck and the drummer (Who was actually quite immense) ended up leaving. And your right about the pushy thing too, I was acused of not giving my fellow members enough space at one time, so I ended up backing off... but my fellow members were all attitude and no gusto if you get my drift :p speak to you later fellah, stay metal :headbang:
to add on... just do what you can to have an open line of communication between every member in the group, and try to be open to their opinions and all that jazz.
And a big one: don't be afraid to change or add on to a song you have written, only way to make it better
anyway good luck to ya, its hard finding a group that likes metal and knows what they're doing
Ive been looking to form a melodic metal band now for about a year and a half now, and each time I get one together it never works out becuase they don't actually know how to play that style of music. So ive basically given up for musicians in my area. So like the other guys said your pretty damn lucky to find musicians in the first place man.
I would suggest working with each person of the band seperatly, and for them to do the same. This will give u each an idea of your abilites and style. Plus when you go to practise as a whole you won't be hearing each other for the first time. Its all trial and error when it comes to new bands.

Good luck mate!.
How come all us melodic deathmetallers are so spread out!!!! and drummers, why arnt there any melodic deathmetal drummers!!!!! The Quest, be it long, continues for me... but I shall never die, for one day I will form a band and it will get 6/10 in terrorizer!!!!
haha. to start a band you have to find fellow metal heads. and its hard enough to find metal heads. its finding ones that fit in your style and in your personality. Here in Springfield, IL it sucks. I have a keyboard player and thats it. Everyone else likes metal.......but its just metallica and pantera. Sorry but that wont work. sooner or later im gonna find a drummer that is actually good!!!!!
^^Kriglock has a good point. Finding people that jam the same shit is the #1 obsticale, then once that's achieved, there is always a personality difference between each person in the band. Hopefully you guys can learn to work together, but every successfull band has they're shitty moments were you all hate each other. I guess the point here is feed off each other, and don't let stupid shit come in the way of progress for the band.
I just try to be really nice and understanding to everyone else in the band, of course with out wearing a mask of deciet. some times I gewt mega pissed off with fellow band mates because they act biggoted towards Ideas or they dont put enough effort to learn their parts in songs. If im in a band I make sure I know what Im doing 100% of the time. thats a good idea, be crystal clear on what you gotta give and what the band has... spend hours revising it on your own. then you will never be at fault, and if everyone in the band does what you do then you will be gods at playing together. God I just been listening to a band called "Wizard" they are fukin ace!!!!
Thanks, I just had my first band practice and it went ok. We got 3/4 of a song done. and i came up with most of it. the 3 of us did it without vocals because we thought we should get the music down first, then add vocals.
Although we have stepped away from the whole melodic death thing because quite a few local bands are melodic death, so we thought wed try something different, what we have so far has a Cannibal Corpse/Deicide feel to it. and is sounding pretty bad ass! lol . although we have reached this far, i still feel we have not bonded correctly, maybe its due to the fact that i have only seen the bassist twice before the practice. i need him to come out of his shell more...
If it's melodic death you're talking about, i think the most important thing is energy and emotion, and also the vocals, the music must provide the energy, but the vocals are the listeners point of referance. I'm a bassist and vocallist in a MelDeath band myself and you can tell when you've got it right, I always get a big adrenaline rush when we play like i'm flying or travelling really fast (this may just be me of course). You must believe what you play 100%, you cant have band members that arent full into it, It's ok to listen to your own stuff and think "yeah we rule", it's the only way you know that you really believe in your music, you cant make songs if you're not completely happy with them.

good luck
King Chaos said:
How come all us melodic deathmetallers are so spread out!!!! and drummers, why arnt there any melodic deathmetal drummers!!!!! The Quest, be it long, continues for me... but I shall never die, for one day I will form a band and it will get 6/10 in terrorizer!!!!

because just about everyone in your "melodic deathmetal" circle wants to be a fucking Alexi Leiho. Be a man and switch to drums.
Alexi is a god, but we need way more bassists, drummers and especialy keyboardists. If Alexi's following gets any bigger, I will have to denounce him as an organised religion.
Hahaha, I cant switch to drums, although it would be fun my hearts in playing guitar. Im totally crap at Vocals though so I dont wanna be senor laiho. I just wanna be me, and one day hopefully other people will wanna be me (delusions of grandeur). I felt strangely attracted to Alexi when I saw him in the flesh:cry:... He's so cool :p

I look up to Niklas Sundin and Anders Bjorler more than anyone, After listenin to A.T.G and D.T for the last couple-o-years straight I cant help but think some of there style has spilled into my work on the guitar.
Figured I would let you guys know that I found a lead guitarist. I'v played with him before about 2 or so years ago. He is very tight and pick stuff up very quickly. Now I gotta talk my buddy who plays bass in a punk band to come play some Heavy Fucking Metal!! Then its the toughest part. god damn drummer!